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RSS Jtopolnak

Reward Points:158
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

You can debate unreliable all you want but when the bible gives exact reference to the location and also the writing of the curse it carries that where it lies nothing shall live and even written in as the Dead Sea. It's a lot of pure coincidence for it to not have some validity.

1 point

Give them civil union OK.

My marriage to my wife is something special, I like to know that the definition of marriage means husband and wife which cannot be taken away. What then does marriage mean when I say I'm married if it's not a man and women? It does hurt someone it hurts the people who are married and believe that marriage is and always will be defined as a man and women.

1 point

Of course becuase where I'm going I wont be needing them. better give them to somebody that can help here on planet earth.

1 point

Israel that has been their land for 10,000 years before Palestine. For Palestine they are fighting against the grain if they think they will ever retain that land. It is prophetic in nature best thing for Palestine would be to make peace.

1 point

It hurts when they want to teach kids in school that. I like that we have a system and a fabric that rewards a man and women to marry. People don't want it and thats why they have petitioned to remove it from states that have made it law only on judicial reasons which is unconstitutional.

1 point

We have the right of domain over animals. Animals don't have souls a dog doesn't even know it's dog or any animal even know what it is. If you are starving and are out in the wild any walking animal that is not human i guarantee that you would look at any animal as dinner in order to survive.

1 point

Meat is not murder. I do think that there has to be good conditions for animals on farms and for the majority of livestock they do it is so regulated and monitored that you would have to look hard to find unsuitable conditions in this day and age of big commercial farm.

Everybody is different with there bio chemistry if i could only eat plants and not meat I would but my system is built around meat I would become anemic if I did not eat meat and only plants.

1 point

I have finally heard some better provisions to the plan I think that they are going to cut out the 8% penalty to business if they don't want to take the Government plan. Also I heard as an amendment which I just learned about this yesterday that they want to get rid of state mandates on private insurance so that it will open up competition. Right now the way it is you have to buy Health Insurance in the state your in. That has created mini monopolies for the private and that is a big reason why it continues to go ski high. You know that I'm a capitalist minded person but I think that Private sector health care should not be share holder driven where you can buy stock in the company that should be eliminated. If they did that you would see private cost plummet.

1 point

I just had a business client this week that is from England and told me a story of how she got into a bad car wreck here in the states. She said that if she would have been in England she would have died that's how bad the public option is there in England. Her family came to visit her here in NC and they said that our hospitals are so clean and look like a palace compared to what they have. since that's the one Obama has modeled after that's the likelihood. There needs to be reform but they need to talk about all of the other good ones that are on the table as well and let the American people hear them. The system isn't totally broken doesn't need to be completely torn down and resurrected to a government plan where quality will suffer. Just needs to be fixed in the right places. One thing that bothers me on Obama is that he promises more for less and that is systematically, economically and even mathematically impossible. i think that they should start by getting rid of the state mandates on health insurance which makes you only buy the insurance the state you live in. Well I think that's wrong the insurance companies with that have created mini monopolies.

1 point

What new plan? I have not heard of a new plan please advise what you are talking about. Who has seen the new plan this is news to me.

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About Me

Biographical Information
Name: John Top
Gender: Male
Age: 54
Marital Status: Married
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States
Religion: Christian-other
Education: College Grad

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