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Reward Points:2511
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

Well I see where you're coming from but that human DNA is specific to only humans, hence it's classification as human DNA, not human and chimp DNA.

And the reason organs are not human are because they are not alive by themselves. Even if a laboratory is keeping a heart alive, it is not a self-sufficient organism.

2 points

That's a good point. I guess it's something we'll probably never know. I mean, all we can do is observe animals. We can't really communicate with them to understand them as well as we do humans.

3 points

So then you agree. A chimpanzee is not human. It is only 98% human, which is my point exactly. the other 2% is what makes us human.

And a single organ is not an individual human in the same sense that a single antenna is not an entire television. Or one down feather is not a complete down feather jacket.

4 points

Other animals can have their own forms of emotions. Just look at dogs! When their owners come home, they are visibly happy and when their puppies die they are visibly sad.

2 points

A human being is an organism of the species homo sapiens. All you need to have to be human is human DNA. I mean, it's what separates us form every other species, right? And it proves that no computer can ever be human. Ever.

1 point

Reason. Common sense. Scientific insight. Things like this enable me to pick out the pure myths. Then there are stories that I don't know if they are real or not, but these are typically just historical contexts that I can't prove wrong or right.

3 points

I am allowed to believe in both God and the Big Bang. It just so happens that I believe the creation stories are mythical in their nature. Nobody important ever said "the Bible is 100% fact," except for maybe a few Popes throughout the ages.

1 point

I never said the Bible is 100% true and science must back it. I believe the creation stories and much of the beginning of the Bible to be merely stories meant to make people understand the power and awesomeness of God, not to tell them how the Earth began. They had no idea how it began back then.

1 point

Even the "American culture" is not one set culture. The human population is so huge and people are so different. There is nothing that every human being shares, personality wise, not even the will to live! (Suicidal people)

1 point

I understand how life is capable on Earth. I don't mean to boast, but I've taken AP Physics and AP Biology, as well as a year of honors Chemistry and Honors Biology freshman year- I'm well versed in the sciences (And I hope to go into medicine or mechanics!) Therefore, I'm fairly certain I know how there is life on Earth.

But we don't know why life is here! God always was and always will be. He is a complete enigma and a mystery to the human race. Any attempt to explain who He is and why He did the things He did is impossible.

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About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Mick 
Gender: Dude
Age: 32
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States
Postal Code: 07751
Religion: Agnostic
Education: Post Grad

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