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This personal waterfall shows you all of Kuklapolitan's arguments, looking across every debate.

Let us at least hope it has tarnished it well enough so it begins to become extinct!

Dumb isn't the word! One has to wonder why oh why the driver didn't pass that phone over to the passenger so they could continue to text while the driver concentrated on the road. I guess the point would have been lost had they done it but oh my, I was very upset by this and yes, I actually vomited after seeing it.

They must be effective lest we lose more lives to having "fun" while driving. The video actually made me sick and I will never use my cell phone while driving again unless I stop first and get off the road. Nothing is worth this...nothing!

I don't know whether I like it or not! It would depend on why they're not airing it but it must be a pip if they don't want to.

China? I'm not getting your reference Mahollinder. I don't think the Chinese care as much about neutering as we do here and perhaps in other places.

No, it's not morally wrong to neuter or spay dogs and cats. Every organization I can think of advises you do just that. The unwanted, uncared for population is so out of hand that we cannot afford not to neuter as a precaution to more unwanted pets.

No Frenchie, I don't think it would be possible given the diversity of cultures we have today. It would take hundreds of years to bring it down to just one culture and that would entail intermarrying globally for scores of years not to mention the religious turmoil they would have to go through in order to finally rest on one religion. Religion alone can split a culture into a counter-culture.

No, It's the truth...nobody wins a war. There are no winners, but "What if they gave a war and nobody came?" Another Hippie saying! I do not see either Iraq or Afghanistan as a win situation. The best we can hope for is that by some quirk of fate we can get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice or just kill him outright. But then what...and then who?

There's no doubt in my mind we should abolish nuclear weapons but one thing comes to mind. We'd need to police th world and if we cannot engage them is nuclear disarmement talks, how will we know what they're using the components of nuclear energy for. This would take a tremendous effort on the world's behalf to assure every country is a clean country!

People are suffering so badly in this economy that I believe we need to address this first if not in tandem with the environment. I seriously believe it can be done his way if the economy is strangethened so that we will have the funding needed to set ourselves free from overseas oil production and costs thereof.

Physical books are my way! It may not be the way of the future but it's mine. I have a library most would envy and I can to to each book I've read and find what I'm looking for fairly quickly. I'm one who doesn't like to read on-line unless it's a short bothers my eyes to do so. I like curling up in bed under ambient light and read no e-books or kindle for me. Anyone want to buy some books? LOL!

Good Lord no! Then small companies can get away with paying even less than they do now. I think the minimum wage is much too low but to remove it would be self defeating.

He was never convicted of one of the allegations!''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

That just may be the worst and tasteless thing I've ever heard you say Pyggy! That is so unfair especially since the man was NEVER convicted of anything! I don't think you or the world will ever understand a man like MJ!

I agree totally Jess. Without honor, humanity is nothing and nothing counts.

I've never found my front page again not even when I click on the open star and include the debate on my psych page. The logo never comes up. I give up on this.

Tuggy, can you say how Obama will destroy our country? That's a pretty large assumption if you ask me. Just back this up with some facts, if you can.

It most certainly can most certainly can. Three cheers for buying a suitable solution for lust!

Now it's even more interesting. I'm glad you chose it for it represents my sentiments about myself as well. Lord knows I won't forget this name. Thanks for taking time to tell us.

As The Beatles said: "Money Can't Buy Me Love." That is so true and it can only buy temporary happiness. After the money is gone so too will your friends fall by the wayside and certainly a love interest will go as well...unless you met that person and fell in love prior to the windfall of money in your life. Money can only buy material things that will keep you 'happy' for a moment or two, but nothing lasting because you'll always want more and you'll always want newer or better. Money simply makes life easier to live than living without it or living on a lot less.

Pung Sviti...that is such an interesting name! Can you give us its origins or meaning?

Education is always worth the time and money one puts into it providing one applies themselves to the tasks at hand. It may cost a lot to get an education but it will cost you more in the long run if you don't. If you're not college material at least try to get some further education in a field that may suit you so that you can enter that field with the tools you need.

I think he will be remembered for the great talents he possessed and for his brand of weirdness as well. This was one talented man whose name will be forever tainted by allegations which may not be true. It's a tremendous loss but I think the best was behind him unless he had something new for the upcoming tour which they will release if they have it prepared.

There is no doubt in my mind that this country will implode due to the inordinate amount of internal fissures we experience. I know we must face the fact that external threats are upon us but we must heal the wounds inside before we can become strong enough to deal with what's just over the ridge.

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