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RSS YummyCookies

Reward Points:22
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3 most recent arguments.
0 points

I think the argument of sanctity of marriage is horrific.

If you make yourself a loaf of bread and eat it day after day, will it taste any worse if someone else on another planet also gets to make his/her own loaf or bread and eat it?

No it won't. Will the loaf you eat be any less nutritious if someone else on a remote planet also does the same?


Ergo sanctity of marriage is nothing but jealousy of marriage in disguise. You only want marriage for yourself so you can have something that someone else doesn't.

GROW UP KIDS! That kind of behaviours is criticized in kindergarten when a bully wants to have a playground ride only to himself.

Not that I support marriage, I just support everyone's right to call their bond marriage. It's such a stupid trivial childish crap, but since people take is seriously, then I suppose I have to too.

[edit]Hmm, I already used that argument on some other debate, except that I used beans instead of bread.

0 points

Whatever Jake, it's very easy to lie and be a bigot and a fundie, especially over internet.

Approximately 80% of homophobes are gay and I'm SURE the rest have their issues too, mostly connected with sexuality.

If you think that a person would turn gay if he was allowed to, than you must be thinking of a person who is attracted to men, you are referring to a GAY person and a GAY person turning GAY ISN'T VERY DRAMATIC, NOW IS IT?!

An intelligent straight person would never like it to not allow gays to marry and adopt children.

If gays can marry and adopt that means that baby making isn't a very big deal since the gays are going to raise them. (If you are a religions fundie, that means you can be more logically for pro-life if you are pro-gay-marriage)

Plus, if there are so many women left alone, or rather lonely, than you can have a lot of sex.

Oh, and by the way, straight men like sex with women (right guys? :)), so they couldn't mind.

The only people who could POSSIBLY mind gays are gay people who don't want to be gay(...and raise kids and miss all the coitus..., but they don't like it anyway) and women who fall in love with gays. As some comedian woman says: "I'm a fag-hag, but now I think about my wishing in youth about being surrounded by handsome men, I should have been more specific."

3 points

Gayness is as natural as sex and food.

Treating people worse because of them being gay is like treating black or Asian or Indian people worse than others.

Except I've actually seen a black person change his colour (Michael Jackson), but I've never heard of a real story where a gay guy became straight (and not asexual or faking it trough whole life).

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