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2 points

I don't think pissing people off is a really good way to promote peace.

1 point

I already agreed with you on the factory farming issues and how animals are treated.

Do you drink milk? Or eat eggs?

1 point

Net fishing on the bottom can cause those kinds of problems. So eat Tuna. It's caught with mid level nets which don't do much damage. They're also not terribly endangered. Of course if everyone ate just tuna, they would be. But that's what diversity and choice is about.

Commercial fish farming is nothing like schools of fish. Nothing.

How so? Have you ever been to a commercial fish farm? Because that's almostexactly how it is. Sure, farmed fish don't swim as far as ocean or river fish, but I doubt they are uncomfortable. Yes, fish feel pain. But they're also stupid (in the scientific sense).

Think of the Africans who still live in small villages, and have never heard of cars or air conditioning. They're plenty happy. But you put some bitch from Malibu out there, and she's miserable. Fish are the bush people, we're the bitch from Malibu. (I'm not saying that the Africans are stupid, just "uneducated" by modern terms).

Can't you accept that my opinion is not wrong? That it's my opinion? Why does that make me delusional, or misled?

Right back at ya. You can have your opinion, and there is nothing wrong with being a vegetarian. If we were all vegetarians the environment would be better off. But there are also environmentally responsible ways to eat small portions of meat. And as omnivores we can decide for ourselves to eat meat or not.

The delusional part is that you believed that website about the free range farming. Which is a pile of bullshit, in my educated opinion. And also the part about "equality and peace and happiness." Death is part of life, and so is eating.

1 point

I think I know what gtfo means, but what does tits mean?

I tried googleing it... but that only redirected my interests for a while.... ie. porn.

1 point

Most fish aren't caught on hooks, but in nets. And a quick smack to the brain does the trick. And regarding fish farming, they are just as overcrowded as they would be in a school of fish. It's how they swim... I doubt the fish mind.

You may accept being delusional, but just be careful about who you believe.... You'll figure it out someday.

2 points

Well no. Because if I'm already dead, you wouldn't be murdering me. You wouldn't be ending my life.

1 point

I suppose you could just pick up roadkill and eat it.

Well that's just unsanitary.

2 points

I believe it's meaningful, sure. Just not equal.

As I said before, it really is the circle of life. Everyone dies somehow. We all become food for something. Whether that be microscopic or larger it doesn't matter to me.

In fact, eat me. I don't mind as long as I'm dead when it happens.

1 point

Yeah, that is pointless. Because in my last post I already told you:

I wouldn't kill someone to eat them.

For multiple reasons:

1) It's illegal.

2) I would be difficult and messy. Humans fight back, animals are easier to kill humanely.

3) There are plenty of people who die in car crashes and whatnot else to go around. I wouldn't need to kill someone to get my hand on a bit of meat.

2 points

I'm sorry for being rude, but it's frustrating when uneducated people try to assume they know everything.

No, it's not typical. But, as I said before, if people ate less meat and took an interest in where their meat comes from it could become typical. Which I do. I only buy meat when I know where it comes from. In fact I usually only eat fish from the local market where I can see the boat it was brought in on and know the fishermen.

But if all animals were raised and killed humanely, I bet you would still have a problem with it. Because you don't agree that Humans and animals aren't equal. That's fine. But that's delusional.

To be called a "bullshitting, angry little girl" is not why I'm here. That's enough.

I'm not trying to hurt your feelings or scare you or whatever, and I'm sorry that a went to that level. I'm just trying to shock some sense into you. It's not a perfect world and humans and animals aren't equal. If you want to spend your time trying to change something so widely accepted, fine. But you wont win. People like meat, they crave it.

But that website is the bullshit. The creators probably have good intentions, but they know the have to exaggerate to make a point, and that's what they've done. It's bullshit.

2 points

What is a difference of opinions? The Scientific Fact hat Humans are Omnivores?

2 points

We have PBS and NPR. Which fund "unbiased" programming. I think it's brilliant and important for us to fund this kind of reporting.

2 points

Control the Churches (or even better, destroy them).

I would opt to simply convert (wink) them into non-religious houses of charity.

1 point

Because it's illegal. I've actually always wanted to try human. I wouldn't kill someone to eat them. But if someone died, why not?

After death, it's just a body. Just a lifeless pile of flesh. I assume that nutritionally, human meat would be fantastic like wild deer. I'd love to try a really well toned person's thigh. Maybe with an '07 Chardonnay.

I guess that's why I nibble on the gym rat boys I sleep with.

1 point

That is bullshit. I fought against factory farming for my entire middle school and high school career, when I was your age. I visited factory farms, and free range farms both. I grew up raising goats and chickens of my own, and named them all.

There is a difference between Free Range and Factory Farmed animals. And you're just a bullshitting, angry little girl if you let a fear-mongering website like that sway you.

Animals are not equal to humans. That is a foolish statement. Sure, animals love and care for each other. Animals feel pain and heartbreak. But animals are not humans.

That's my opinion. I'm sorry you're not on the same page as me. Better start reading.

1 point

Destructive is an opinion. Every issue should be debated separately if you're going to use that argument.

-1 points

How do you know? Have you ever tried to talk to a plant? Maybe they are suffering in silence when you rip them from their roots and throw them in a basket like holocaust victims thrown into pits.

2 points

You're not being rude, just silly. That list was a waste of your time. Humans are omnivores.

Humans: no sharp front teeth, with rear molars for grinding? INCISORS.htm

We weren't created to do anything. We have simply, as of now, evolved to a point where we can eat both meat and plants. If you choose to not eat meat then that is fine.

I grew up on a farm where I cared for and loved every type of animal. And, at times, we ate them. Death is an aspect of life.

If your opinion differs, that's fine. But I love and respect animals. I'm not every religious, but whenever I pass road kill I say a little prayer that if the animal had any specific beliefs about their afterlife that it be realized. I think of animals as companions, friends and food. I'm sorry that you aren't on the same wavelength as me. But as long as an animal is treated well, killed humanely and respected then I don't have an issue eating their meat.

1 point

The previous statement said that it should not be limited. Do you not read?

1 point

There is enough land to raise the number of animals we should eat. I don't believe we should eat as much meat as we do. It should be a side dish.

But yeah... Human is a meat. Go ahead.

1 point

What about the human anatomy suggests that we were not meant to consume meat?

The last I checked, were were omnivores.

1 point

Agreed. But I do. I use my dollar demand to buy free range, organic meat. It's all I can do at the moment. All my money is going to the Courage Campaign. I can't fight for animals and gay rights at the same time.

1 point

The goal of an immirant is to become a citizen. I was speaking of once they become citizens.

The only thing I disagree with is the idea that citizens should get preferencial treatment when applying for a job. I think the best candidet for the position should be hired.

1 point

That was an unnecessarily rude statement...

I'm sorry that our opinions differ, but I believe that as long as we treat the animals well and kill them humanely then we should be able to eat meat.

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