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9 points

We're predators, sweety.

Have you ever seen the Lion King? Because it really is the circle of life, and it moves us all. Would you rather feed a lion tofu? Would you like sharks to go around chanting, "fish are friends, not food!"? Or would you like to embrace the real world that we all know, love, and evolved into?

Because Disney mimics life, life doesn't mimic Disney.

1 point

Legality I agree with. But why do they have to learn English? Why can we kick them out if they do something illegal? Why do they have to be skilled at something?

Either we treat immigrants as equals and grant them full citizenship, or we treat them as second class citizens. That doesn't sound right to me. Once someone immigrates they should be able to live just like any other citizen. Freedom of speech would dictate they can speak whatever language they please. They can break the law if they wish, and be punished for it, too. And I doubt every American is skilled at something... we need people to fill labor jobs, and they would have the opportunity to pursue school here.

1 point

That may be how you see it, but I don't see children as an inconvenience.

I'd rather have prospective parents wanting the children. But, again, it is not an easy decision. There is a lot to think about, and no woman simply shrugs it off as an "inconvenience."

You don't have to be married to be a selfless person... I get hit on by a lot of married guys... they seem to be pretty selfish. Marriage is pretty frivolous these days...

1 point

Are we talking abortion here? If so... don't you dare go thinking women have abortions simply because a child would be an "inconvenience." It's a much much more complicated decision.

If not, then I'm sorry for misinterpreting you.

1 point

I think that they have online self worth tests to that effect.

1 point

How much someone earns is by no means the total measure of his or her worth.

2 points

A life is priceless. If we had universal health care, this wouldn't be an issue. I would forfeit half my income on an annual basis to ensure better health care (amoung other things). So I suppose the answer is 20,000 a year. But it wouldn't be one life saved, it would be millions.

1 point

I don't agree completely, but for the sake of not running around in circles with ignorant persons, I'll pretend.

There is a point where the population would be too great for this planet to support. How do we prevent that?

3 points

I believe you're thinking of Japan, not China. On top of that, your misconceptions about global warming are not relevent to this debate. The plants have been breathing for millions of years, they don't need humans to help them.

The world cannot support humanities' numbers as they are now, let alone more. I mentioned global warming or other events. So a lack of food, or other resources is what I meant. This is not a debate about that. Please respect that.

4 points

Oh dear. You're mistaken. We should take land from national parks? Are you trying to be funny? Or are you seriously serious? If you are, that is scary.

We need to control the population. We cannot grow exponentially as a species without incurring consequences of global warming or other events. If we don't control the population we will all suffer together. So this debate is about how, not if.

8 points


Meat is murder, but hey, it's natural. We eat meat, we also eat plants. We shouldn't eat as much meat as we do, and we should treat our live stock better. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't eat meat. It's part of of our natiral diet.

1 point

It's not the next step, it was the last step.

We are not a manogamous species, but the social contraints of society make women terretorial over men. Men are programmed to wonder and procreate. It's their nature.

I think monogamy is a choice that someone has to make for themselves, and no one should be forced into that role until they want it. Otherwise you're holding humans, who are essentially animals when sexually arroused, to unatainable standards.

2 points


But as times change, we the people have the right to amend it.

1 point

Your body, your choice*

My phone incorrectly corrected "your" to "hot."

1 point

But I do! I am a swimmer so my lungs are freaking amazing!

1 point

they use everything. You may stay intact if you go to like a medical student, but you could also be cut up and sent to specialists.

I read this book called stiff and found that my favorite use for my cadaver would be decomposition research. They lay you out in a field and let you rot.

1 point

I am a healthy, young, non smoker. Yes, I am a registered donor, and I am proud of it.

But my donor registration states that I don't want my body used for plastic surgery instruction. If I ever finally get fake boobs, I want to be able to enjoy them.

2 points

Nobody hatesyou for it, jake. It's your body, hot choice.

1 point

Sorry, I wasn't trying to be rude, just factual. If you don't want a social life, that is your deal. No judgement here.

1 point

Sorry, I wasn't trying to be rude, just factual. If you don't want a social life, that is your deal. No judgement here.

1 point

Maybe not in texas, but there's like a yoga studio adjacent to every starbucks where I live.

1 point

It's bad for your posture, and your wrists and phalanges. It's bad for your eyesight, which can't be avoided by exercise. It's bad for your social life and probably takes away from your responsibilities.

If you are on the computer for more than 3 hours a day for recreational use, you need a new hobby.

1 point

A lot of people do yoga. I do pilates, but that is just preference.

1 point

They don't have to be religious stances, but they are. It wouldn't even be a question if it weren't for religion.

And it's fine that you believe that. But who does your belief effect? Everyone.

You, as a religious person, have a choice. I as a non-religious person have a choice. That's how it should be. I'm not religious. So why do I have to conform to your religious point of view?

Democratic ideals understand that it's a diverse world out there. Not everyone is religious, and we shouldn't have to be.

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