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1 point

So it will take the pearl habour of climate change for you to care about it?

Ps. Don't you dare bad mouth recycling. Recycling is not just about climate change. It's about conservation of limited resources. Same as hybrid cars, and plenty of other things you probably don't care about.

1 point

Global warming, global cooling.... It's all climate change. You're more hung up on lables than facts.

I happen to believe that every precaution should be taken. Not just because I believe in it, but because this is something so serious that I'd rather bet on it being true, than be sorry that I didn't.

Hitler didn't seem like a problem worth dealing with until it was too late.

We don't get so lucky as to have our apocalyptic weapons of God come out and tell us they're coming. This isn't a movie. We aren't going to discover the asteroid in just enough time to destroy it. We aren't going to stop the atomic bomb with 1 second left on the clock.

We have to prepare for climate change because we have a lot of evidence in it's favor, and the consequences of not preparing for it are apocalyptic.

There are also other bonuses to preveting climate change, both environmental and economic.

1 point

Well, with evolution, extinction is the norm, not the exception. And there are often periods of mass extinction.

Those facts apply in business as well.

And yes, people are being screwed. But if we don't fix the environment, well have a real mass extintion on our hands.

2 points

What, you looked at the wikipedia page?

Understanding the concepts of two of the many problems facing our environment does not qualify you to assess the state of the environment today or forcast it's future.

And that said, I'm sorry to say that you probabbly know more than the average person. But probably less than the average fourth grader....

1 point

I'm going to have to defend the bar crowd.

Drunk political debates are a favorite passtime of mine.

Yes, there are some guys and gals who don't know shit. But the only reason you think popitcs, or other issues of importance, can't be discussed in concurrance with drinking is because those people talk so loud.

3 points

The deaths of weak corporations paves new road for stronger businesses. When the economy recovers, stronger businesses emerge to replace those that fail.

Another good thing to mention is that Crocs is failing.

Had Bush invested in the environment, those people could already be employed in green jobs. But because we cannot expand as fast as if we had already begun this process, they are out of work.

We can improve the economy by reducing global warming, but we cannot reduce global warming by improving the economy.

1 point

Thats why I suggested we fix the economy by fixing the environment.

I conceeded that both are important for many reasons. But I happen to believe that yes, the environment fixes itself, but it may get a lot worse before it gets better. So while the environment will eventually survive us, will we survive it?

I don't want to take that chance. The environment is more important to me.

1 point

Everything political aside, these are both big problems that effect everyone.

But in the end the economy is a crapshoot, and will always be up and down. But the environment is precious and limited. So while we should focus on fixing the economy by investing in fixing the environment.... I feel the environment is much more important.

7 points

It's nice to know that thats how you feel.

Now tell us Why?

2 points

It's okay. I hadn't even noticed.

Well, money can't always make your family love you, but it makes it easier. You can take family trips, go to therapy, and the stresses that lack of money bring evaporate.

And money can't directly make someone love you, but you can afford to look good and to wine and dine them so that they give you the chances you need.

No one wants to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't love them, so I doubt they would pay for that.

4 points

u must be high because that idea is half baked.

Do you know what they pay overseas workers? Nothing. But relative to the economies of the country those people live in, it's tollerable.

If we paid the workers here the same wages, even accounting for taxes and shipping, they would still be suffering. Minimum wage keeps the workers above the poverty line.

So if we worked for third world wages, we'd allow ourselves to become a third world country.

2 points

Anything that is done to harm another person is not fair, save for self defense. I'm going to include emotional abuse too.

So most is fair in love and war, but certainly not all.

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