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RSS Geoff

Reward Points:738
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10 most recent arguments.
5 points

'..regardless of which side you're on, you're there based on faith.'

No faith is the belief in something with inadequate evidence and in the case of God, lots of evidence to the contrary. Science is based on evidence.

'Science and a belief in God do not have to be mutually exclusive of each other.'

Indeed. There are scientific reasons why people believe in gods.

'I believe God intended us seek knowledge and question things...even Him.'

You can believe whatever you want but if it adversely affects the lives of others, you should be held accountable with reasoned inquiry.

E.g. I may believe that the sun sets in the Indian ocean every night because my parents and community say so but if I punch those who dissent from my belief I should be forced to face reason with evidence.

'For everything science brings to the table, it won't be able to prove "scientifically" that the universe and everything in it, is a result of random happenstance.'

That's your assumption. Perhaps it's akin to a 10th century peasant saying 'never' when conteplating the lunar landings.

'A time came when I realized that there would ALWAYS be something to be discovered..'


'..I put my faith in God..'

But why?

1 point

Humans are asexual for a long time during development and only really express concrete preferences after puberty. I believe a person may have certain feelings which may or may not be expressed depending upon environmental factors e.g. being given the opportunity, being exposed to the possibility etc. Sexual orientation is a complicated, time dependent combination of genetic and environmental factors which we may never fully understand until we can make models with perfect accuracy e.g. down to the molecular level of the brain or further.

1 point

Forget about the bible, the claim is 'god exists'. Like any other claim, it requires evidence to be taken seriously. It has no evidence. It is taken seriously. The former isn't going to change. The latter is changing because of the former. Childhood indoctrination is lessening, technology is giving more people the time and security to think their way out of the dead end that is religion. It's simply doomed.

-2 points
0 points

Yes, but environmental factors can influence gene expression. Your genome is not static after you're born.

2 points

Lots of behaviour is genetic. Weaver birds can build intricate nests without any instruction for instance. Homosexuals can and do produce offspring - there are many homosexual parents. I can imagine in some countries e.g. Iran there are many parents who are actually homosexual.

-1 points

I agree, it's definitely a mixture of nature and nurture with one influencing the other. Not sure about the spiritual component however.

5 points

..if not, they go to hell to be tortured forever. Lovely.

1 point

Evolution is a fact. I think you mean 'natural selection' which is a theory put forward to explain how it works.

7 points
Yes because he has spoken to me.
Geoff has not yet created any debates.

About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Geoff 
Gender: Male
Age: 100
Marital Status: Married
Political Party: Other
Country: United Kingdom

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