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RSS Blammo

Reward Points:186
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3 most recent arguments.
4 points

you wrong about this line:

"After all in order to prove a theory without any doubt one must also provide proof that disproves all other theories."

That is not how science works at all. In fact, you couldn't be making a more wrong statement by saying that. Science works with facts and creates theories based on those facts. They don't waste their time trying to disprove everything. Science only proves things. In the case of Is there a god?, it would be science's job to prove if he exists. Not prove that he doesn't, that makes no logical sense! How can you ever disprove that something exists when you don't have access to the entire universe? I mean if I told you that unicorns or fairies could you possibly disprove that? You couldn't!

I do, however, accept your point about people saying that "God does not exist" without adding theory to it. It is true, that one could never definately say that as much as one who says "god does exist" can.

-1 points
great points bwind3!
14 points
First off, There is no reason to disprove God's existence, because his existence was never proven. Science doesn't go around disproving every unproven possibility.
Secondly, without even citing the proof of the Big Bang Theory that exists....The Big Bang Theory is just that...A one says "the God Theory", they just that god definately exists.
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About Me

"I'm 32, and i consider myself a humanist. I think having an open mind in a society, scratch that...a globalized world is more important then anything. Nothing is black and white. Love each other, listen to each other, and educate each other. In the immortal words of Kurt Vonnegut "teaching is friendship""

Biographical Information
Name: Phil Miarmi
Gender: Male
Age: 48
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States

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