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RSS BookBird101

Reward Points:574
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4 most recent arguments.

I doubt it, but God is an exception to that. I can't explain why He's different, I just know that He is. It's probably because I believe in His existence, unlike the existence of things in stories and childish fairy tales.

2 points

Do you still believe in everything you believed in when you were young (Santa Claus, tooth fairy, that the earth is basically flat), etc.? If not, what convinced you otherwise?

My parents actually never told me about Santa Claus, or the tooth fairy so I never really believed in them. I only found out about that kinda stuff when I was older, and became exposed to Western media. By then I was too old to believe in that. God, however, I was told about since I was around 8 or 9 years old, and believed in Him since then.

3 points

People are generally idiots. They can't accept that someone might be different from them so they create stupid laws and discriminate, it's just.. a mess. But really, gay marriage is like any other marriage.

2 points

Yes. Yes, I do. I've believed in him since I was young, and have never had a reason to doubt his existence.

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About Me

"Book-a-holic. Avid gamer. Procrastinator."

Biographical Information
Name: Elsa 
Gender: Girl
Age: 27
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: Tanzania
Religion: Christian-other
Education: High School

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