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zephyr20x6's Reward Points: 2386

Points When What Where
3 Added Argument If thoughts are nothing more than chemical reactions, why aren't others consciou
2 Created Debate What should morality be based on?
0 Created Debate SHOULD morality be based upon emotional appeal?
3 Added Argument Can one prove something is immoral without using emotional appeal?
5 Created Debate Can one prove something is immoral without using emotional appeal?
1 Added Argument Do you think that morals can come from nature?
10 Added Argument Is there anything that can justify god being the first cause?
5 Created Debate Is there anything that can justify god being the first cause?
1 Added Argument Because of gays, transgender, etc should gender specific restrooms be eliminated?
1 Added Argument Is logic merely the product of imagination, and knowledge?
3 Created Debate Is logic merely the product of imagination, and knowledge?
3 Added Argument Can you imagine the impossible?

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