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Grugore's Reward Points: 856

Points When What Where
10 Added Argument Could the universe have created itself?
5 Created Debate Could the universe have created itself?
1 Added Argument Alabama outlaws abortion. No exceptions for rape or incest. PRISON if violated. Good Law?
2 Added Argument For and Against LGBTQ+
8 Added Argument Name one thing about evolution that is true.
5 Created Debate Name one thing about evolution that is true.
7 Added Argument If God doesn't exist, why are we composed of Adams at the subatomic level?
7 Added Argument If God doesn't exist, why are we composed of Adams at the subatomic level?
1 Added Argument If Islam Is a Religion of Violence, So Is Christianity
1 Added Argument Luis Farakhan claims to be the Messiah, are we living in the end times?
3 Added Argument Muslim scholar shocks Christians when he says this!
1 Added Argument Is the prewrath position on the Rapture correct?
1 Added Argument Should you have to be worthy of happiness to receive it?
3 Added Argument Scientific refutation of abiogenesis.
5 Created Debate Scientific refutation of abiogenesis.
1 Added Argument A Democrat in Alabama slipped up & admitted how the Democrat Party feels about babies...
1 Added Argument Biden can't attack our economy so says we must redefine the word 'success'
1 Added Argument Bible Versions, what's the difference?
7 Added Argument Is Allah evil?
1 Added Argument Is sex a right?
2 Added Argument NOM.
5 Created Debate NOM.
1 Added Argument Why on Earth do so many people on this debate site waste time arguing with hateful fools?
0 Added Argument The Nazi Pigs Run And Hide When Uncle NomNom Comes On
1 Added Argument The values of the bible are socialist, communist and anarchist values
1 Added Argument Are Conservatives Embarrassed About Their Lack Of Reasoning Skills?
1 Added Argument Police Should Carry Tasers Rather Than Guns
1 Added Argument Hootie
5 Created Debate Hootie
1 Added Argument Is Seattle going to hell due to left or right wing policies?
2 Added Argument Donald Trump Has Been Sued/Prosecuted 1,450 Times.
3 Added Argument Student files bias complaint against dorm roommate for watching Ben Shapiro video
4 Added Argument Minimum Wage Increase In New York City Leads To Job Losses, Price Increases
3 Added Argument Remembering Four Decades Of Christian Terrorism
4 Added Argument Gov shouldn't be INVOLVED in health care, so how're Republicans gonna write a plan?
2 Added Argument Gov shouldn't be INVOLVED in health care, so how're Republicans gonna write a plan?
2 Added Argument Do you support stand your ground laws?
1 Added Argument Is Brontoraptor Presently The Most Stupid Human Being Living On Planet Earth?
1 Added Argument The top 5% IQ should be our leaders
7 Added Argument Is there anything that tastes better than CHEESECAKE?
5 Created Debate Is there anything that tastes better than CHEESECAKE?
1 Added Argument Covington MAGA kid is suing the Washington Post for $250 million
1 Added Argument Republican VOTER FRAUD in N. Carolina. Trump's commission on voter fraud is MISSING. WTF?
1 Added Argument If you fake a racial hate crime, should you get to keep your tv show?
1 Added Argument If you fake a racial hate crime, should you get to keep your tv show?
1 Added Argument Do colours have an independent existence?
1 Added Argument Are you good if Trump TAKES money from the military for his wall?
2 Added Argument Would finding out that we're NOT alone in the Universe be good news or bad?
2 Added Argument Elizabeth Warren introduces bill to ban U.S. first-strike nuclear option
2 Added Argument Elizabeth Warren introduces bill to ban U.S. first-strike nuclear option
2 Added Argument What law is the best, most functional, or most morally valid law?
1 Added Argument Trump is NUTS! You KNOW that, right?
1 Added Argument What is the craziest wildlife encounter you've experienced?
1 Added Argument Christians burn scientists at the stake for 1500 years then bitch about liberty
1 Added Argument Kamala Harris ADOPTED my Medicare for ALL plan.. Waddya know about that?
3 Added Argument One day, there will be no nations or borders, but instead a global civilization.
1 Added Argument We'd be better off if the Nazis won WW2, prove me wrong
1 Added Argument Ben Shapiro Is Such A Sleazeball
2 Added Argument Piece of steaming s^&t Trump can't get his way, cries in public and wets himself
1 Added Argument You can put up Jesus and 10 Commandment statues & monuments if you call it art
1 Added Argument Nancy STARTED the State of the Union fight with Trump, and WON it..
1 Added Argument New York State just passed a new law allowing abortions up to birth for mere convenience!
1 Added Argument Tell us one of your most embarrassing stories.
1 Added Argument Should a law like this be passed by Congress?
1 Added Argument Should a law like this be passed by Congress?
1 Added Argument How long could you go without a paycheck?
1 Added Argument Can right wingers provide one example of an establishment democrat socialist?
2 Added Argument Ocasio Cortez says the world will end in 12 years
1 Added Argument What happens if the partial shutdown NEVER gets started up again?
1 Added Argument What will the nominee to replace Ruth Ginsburg be accused of
1 Added Argument Are people lying to themselves to feel loved by God?
0 Added Argument I am simply a genius god-tier, best user of the website oh god Andy help me.
2 Added Argument Super Silly Conservatives Thought They Could Take Me On In Open Battle
2 Added Argument 7th The US should build a $5B wall at our southern border with Mexico.
2 Added Argument Nancy Pelosi whines that a Border Wall discriminates against People Entering Illegally !
1 Added Argument God is a lie, you probably can't change my mind.
1 Added Argument Have You Noticed All The Insane People Here Vote Republican?
1 Added Argument Is it hate speech to say that men aren’t women?
1 Added Argument What's the most beautiful city in the world?
2 Added Argument Does the NEW Speaker of the House BELIEVE Trump CAN be indicted??
1 Added Argument DOW has record jump
4 Added Argument DOW has record jump
3 Added Argument Reporter who broke story that Mueller was destroying texts found dead
1 Added Argument Should white americans take "responsibility" for creating the "racist" system in the US?
1 Added Argument Is University/College really necessary?
1 Added Argument Equating Intelligence with a Degree is an indication of Inferior Intellect
1 Added Argument FORBES: Manafort was NOT in debt to the Russians.
5 Created Debate FORBES: Manafort was NOT in debt to the Russians.
2 Added Argument Mizzou Official claims Tall Men asking out Short Women could Constitute Sexual Misconduct
1 Added Argument If they attack you personally - it means they don't have a decent argument left.
0 Added Argument never submit
2 Added Argument Jesus Christ: How Corrupt IS This Guy?
1 Added Argument What will happen when US Deficit Spending and National Debt go too far?
3 Added Argument Bronto's Repeated Use of Fake News Websites Proves He Is A Crook.
3 Added Argument Is Human Activity or natural process Primarily Responsible for Global Climate Ch
10 Added Argument Is Human Activity or natural process Primarily Responsible for Global Climate Ch

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