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Grugore's Reward Points: 856

Points When What Where
10 Added Argument Could the universe have created itself?
5 Created Debate Could the universe have created itself?
1 Added Argument Alabama outlaws abortion. No exceptions for rape or incest. PRISON if violated. Good Law?
2 Added Argument For and Against LGBTQ+
8 Added Argument Name one thing about evolution that is true.
5 Created Debate Name one thing about evolution that is true.
7 Added Argument If God doesn't exist, why are we composed of Adams at the subatomic level?
7 Added Argument If God doesn't exist, why are we composed of Adams at the subatomic level?
1 Added Argument If Islam Is a Religion of Violence, So Is Christianity
1 Added Argument Luis Farakhan claims to be the Messiah, are we living in the end times?
3 Added Argument Muslim scholar shocks Christians when he says this!
1 Added Argument Is the prewrath position on the Rapture correct?

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