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1 point

Inspiration can bring up a lot of things. the debate was about an extremist killing someone.

so i made a debate about extremists killing people, just on a different level.

nice try though.

2 points

Whether Letterman knew it or not, though, the kid that he made a joke about was the 14 year old, since she was the one at the baseball game (he was joking about the girl at the baseball game).

as for Obama, I saw his kids on TV ALL THE TIME before he was elected.

1 point

2. When the rich have such a higher tax rate, it makes sense that they would get more tax breaks.

3. That doesn't change their small government antics. Both parties have big government motives, but Republicans have proven to be for less government than Democrats.

4. I don't believe in Moral values either, but to say that because a few Republicans did some shitty things automatically the family values thing is all hypocritical is bullshit. They believe in a moral standard. Do i agree with it? no. but pointing to people like Larry Craig doesn't help our argument. Instead, try to understand the other view and refute it with knowledge.

5. I guess this is hard to refute either way. the NAACP to me is the exact opposite of secular for the reasons you actually posted, they support all of these Christian, theocratic laws. But, if they slap the term secular to their movement, it's hard to say that they aren't...

2 points

Yeah, from your first paragraph i can tell that you don't watch either O'Reilly or Beck that much.

Mic cutting is done to people who won't stop ranting and won't let Bill speak. It's been done to people like the Black Panther's leader. not someone who's making a legitimate point.

1 point

hmm, if i remember correctly i never said anything of that nature.

all i did was state an event and you freak out on me as if I WAS THE LADY WHO WAS THERE.

i never said anyone should get their right to vote taken away or that gay marriage (since i think this is where you got your panties in a bunch) should be banned... all i did was point to an event where a gay man knocked a crucifix out of an old woman's hands and stomp it on the ground. that is EXACTLY what happened. Yeah, she was an old bitch who went to the protest with a crucifix, but that doesn't change what the dude did. I pointed to what he did.

so please, take a chill pill (Prozac). If you focused more on getting high and less on how to get angry, you'll feel a lot better.

1 point

Full Metal Jacket didn't focus that much on the "horror" of war. really just the last scene with the sniper.

most of it was slightly comical, if anything. It was focused on the soldiers themselves. which is what makes it so great.

1 point

Yeah, from the episodes i did see it was a real intense mini series. Really gets you into the characters as well.

1 point

there is literally know battle scenes. I liked it because it was interesting, but if you want to see an actual WAR movie, Jarhead ain't a good example.

better movie about the First Gulf War is Three Kings. I never saw all of it, but from what i did see it was pretty amazing.

1 point

I think most war movies created are meant to be dark. There are a couple that are more like action movies like Wind Talkers, but even that one created this very dark story line about a guy having to kill his own man.

Apocalypse Now was a good movie as for story line wise, though.

1 point

As a movie, it's really good. I loved it. But my dad (a major history buff) gave me the full scope on how it's historically inaccurate. seriously, i think the reason why he doesn't know how to use the internet is because he has all the knowledge it could offer him.

good movie to watch though.

1 point

as for WW2 war movies, it's one of the best. top 3 (along with the Eastwood movies).

1 point

sure, I probably would have done the same (if she brought the cross to me) for no good reason... actually. doesn't change the incident in my OP.

I was just trying to make a point. seriously, pull that stick out of your ass... smoke some pot or something... cause you're a real drag.

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