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0 points

it's not like we don't care, but really. What point can you find? Animals are irrational, imbecile creatures that only know 4 things:

Mate Feed Kill Repeat. The simplicity of their life style invokes that death does not matter.

1 point

I'll start by saying that law is a shitty thing... it's always either black or white and never considers a gray area.

1. Illegal immigrants can be good for cheap labor. So the illegals already here who do not apply for a green card can provide a necessary service.

2. No one should be obligated to speak English when coming hear. But, no one should be obligated to serve or help someone who they do not understand.

3. Borders should be enforced mainly because drug dealers and terrorists get through those borders as well. Also, we still have to enforce the law for basic reasons. It's easier to keep track of people when they're legal.

4. Any immigrant who commits a crime must first, serve their time and second, be deported.

5. Lets try to remember that as long as you're illegal, you're breaking the law. You should not expect any American rights except for a fair trial. You are not American. Just remember. And, if one comes here illegally, it should not be impossible to obtain a green card or citizenship.

6. Anyone who comes here legally should be treated fairly. And when they become citizens, should be considered full on Americans and nothing less.

6 basic, logical principles on immigration that should make things much easier.

2 points

1. Bush has been silent about Obama's presidency. On a plus note, Bush does not have Alzheimer's.

2. I don't see the Spears family having to do with politics...

3. So O'Reilly wants people to not talk about sexual lifestyle. It's not like he's saying "don't answer questions". he's saying "don't talk ALL THE TIME about it, especially with children". I don't agree with O'Reilly, but that's his view. nuff said.

Military: i understand that the system is corrupt and improper use of the "Don't ask, Don't tell" policy must be punished. This doesn't meant that we must get rid of it all together.

4. As I said, all attention whores are bad. The only difference is that this kid didn't need to say anything at all but he wanted attention, so he did say something. He got kicked out, and the media covered it. The religious nuts are bad in a different way, in that they're annoying. Plus, every issue to them always has to resort to their religion, as if it matters.

Dane Cook was mainly attacking how the guy unnecessarily pointed out he was an Atheist as if it mattered. Hatred towards attention whores is common in the Comedy world.

5. No, they were pretty accurate there as well. They didn't say it was a hoax, they basically just bashed the hysteria that has resulted from it.

2 points

1. I'm pretty sure Jimmy Carter has Alzheimer's.

2. The difference is that he's less focused on the politics of the issue and more focused on the true grit of the issue. which is what makes his show way different from anything else you can find on Cable News.

3. Basically, he's telling people to not talk about their sexual lifestyle if it's unnecessary. In the military most who join are the Southern Conservative homophobes... if people are openly gay in the military, that will cause more animosity than is necessary. (any animosity in a fighting force is unnecessary). Now, I do believe that the military has not done their part in the don't ask, don't tell policy, but this doesn't mean that military should be open about their sexual lifestyle because of some pseudo-principal. A fighting force should be kept to be the best, not the most "open minded".

Also, why talk about your sexual lifestlye in front of kids? I can't wait for to be a swinger so i can talk about the orgy i had last week at the next scouts meeting. Bill wants animosity to be prevented between the gays and straights... sounds reasonable.

4. Yes, anyone who brings up that they're an atheist during a pledge in a scouts meeting is an attention whore. Attention whores in general piss me off. This does include the people who wear Christianity t-shirts that say stupid shit like "Satan is a dork" or "God is awesome".

The atheist kid, even though i party agree with his non-religious views (i'm agnostic), and others like him piss me off. I hate the Christian channels. and Atheism is pretty common on TV (Comedy Central, MSBNC, Adult Swim, and any other channel that I watch). Hell, Bill Maher devotes most of his show to bashing any religion that exists. Although, Bill Maher is attacking other religions based on THEIR beliefs, so he's not being an attention whore. But if you're just at a routine pledge and someone has you site a pledge and you just decide to blurt out "Lulz, i'm an atheist" you're just being an attention whore. You're trying to be the outcast and everyone should pay attention to you because you have some rebellious belief.

I say I'm an agnostic when i'm ASKED about my religious views. Mainly because that's the ONLY TIME when religious talk is appropriate.

5. This is because South Park is accurate on every issue ever to occur.

1 point

Price varies on the individual and how much HE'S willing to save his own life.

to me? a complete stranger is worth zero dollars. Good friends are worth a couple of hundred dollars and family goes up pretty high.

the government should focus on stopping death. this means paying for critical medical circumstances (car accident, surgery, etc.) and paying for a police force to protect us (which includes FBI and homeland security).

through that, I am paying for that... but, they service me just the same, so it's not a total loss.

1 point

Well, in order to do it without impending on MY rights:

- Make it so that minors don't need parent consent for getting an abortion. keep in mind, the parents must be conformed AFTER the procedure is done, but before it no one needs to know.

- Keep it completely legal up to 6 months. after that there has to be a good reason... and good reason can even mean rape. This is because late term abortions include the drilling of holes into the baby's head in order to kill it.

- Mandatory sex education. Fuck religious zealot faggots.

- As for contraceptives and morning after pill... it should be COMPLETELY available as long as the government does NOT pay for them. Mainly because that means that I'M paying for it. 4th amendment, illegal search and seizure. If you're taking my money just to pay for condoms, I consider that illegal seizure of my property.

1 point

He's criticized Bush on the handling of the war as well, but he was referring more to the people who bring nothing new to the debate. Just critics to be critics. He's also attacked advocates of the death penalty and plenty of corrupt CEOs. He is, as well, an environmentalist.

seriously... do you actually watch his show?

as for the shut up comments, i don't know about 1 or 3 but the atheist was just a little attention whore. He was in the middle of a Boyscouts pledge and in that there's a mentioning of serving God and country and the kid said "o, i'm an atheist". big fuckin' deal kid, it's a pledge not a sign in blood. He just wanted attention and he got it. Refer to Dane Cook on Atheist Attention Whores.

1 point

no, you still don't seem to understand what i'm saying. The joke wasn't about Bristol (the one who got pregnant). It was about the 14 year old girl who went to the baseball game. She was never in the media and never got pregnant.

anyway, Dave finally made a huge apology saying that what he said was wrong and that he truly is sorry to the Palin family.

2 points

Predators are not behaving immorally because they lack the intellectual capacity for morals.

With that argument, is it that immoral to kill a creature that doesn't have the intellectual capacity to understand anything other than Mate Feed Kill Repeat?

1 point

this did not refute my statement on Bill's methods. All you did was bring in new things to debate on.

really, i can make the argument that you just made on anybody.

1 point

It seems that every religion in the fuckin' world has to somehow defy science...

Buddhism vs. Science.

2 points

O snap, I didn't know you were on their show...

well, since you have experience there then i guess i can't refute you.

I've only seen O'Reilly cut a mic one time since i've been watching him, and it was completely necessary to do so. The guy was yelling about shit that made no sense at all and had completely changed the subject. In fact, the Black Panther leader that was on later who was saying that Michelle Malkin was a political whore didn't even get his mic cut when on the factor, because he STAYED ON TOPIC. The point is to keep control of the show. It's the No Spin Zone. Bill doesn't have time to listen to bullshit that has been said on 30 other programs; he wants straight answers and doesn't want the usual political bullshit mexican hat dance that we see all the time. Yeah, Bill's an aggressive douche, but that's the only way to get things done.

2 points

he was referring to an event of the past where he says "why didn't you just shut up?" or for the talking points, he's not speaking to anyone's face in the first place. He's just saying that certain people need to shut up. Sorry he's not formal like the tight ass conservatives on Fox News. He started as just some guy who was pissed off all the time... that's how he is now.

I disagree with him most of the time, but what i like about him is that he's not an ideologue. He couldn't give two shits if someone was a Republican or a Liberal, he just cares about if they're doing what he feels is the right thing to do. Something that's hard to find nowadays.

1 point

1. Government workers do not get promotions and major pay raises for finding a way to save the company millions of dollars. that's what i meant by progress.

2. First of all, most of the time he won't necessarily need my help, and I would just tell him "you fail at walking faggot". But, if he breaks something, sure, I would help him up. The thing is, though, helping him up does not deprive me of my property... so it's not the same as wealth redistribution.

3. so... they suck then...

2 points

I think Donnie Darko can rap this up a bit. It's pointless to care about the death of an animal.

Yes, when torture of an animal occurs it's wrong because it's prolonged pain of a living creature. But just to kill it (for food, vanity or sport) is part of what makes us human. We dominate.

2 points

Obama's daughters are also public figures because i see them on TV all the time and Obama constantly has them on interviews with him... are they fair game? as much fair game as Bristol (she was 17 when the jokes started).

Letterman still made fun of the 14 year old, nothing else to say about that. he didn't even say Bristol, and when he apologized a bit later all he said was "i don't advocate rape of underage children". he didn't even apologize... but he also wanted people to think that his joke was okay, but, he wanted to say that it wasn't what made it funny.

ya see, rape of a 14 year old is funny. Letterman knew that talking about how she got impregnated by A-Rod would be "edgy". Now he regrets it (cause he's a faggot).

If Letterman were to just say "it was a joke and fuck all of you" i would at least respect him (he's not funny though). but he took the douchiest way out of this.

2 points

No, Catholicism where I am isn't that big. It's mainly the Protestants and other stuff. They all volunteer at the church or sing in the choir and shit like that. And they love having a "relationship" with Jesus. They are also generally happy. It isn't the cheery stuff you probably see in small towns, it's more of just people who look they found something that really makes them happy.

2 points

For Bill, he never told them to shut up WHILE they were speaking except for one guest, and that guy was ranting.

the other times he was saying "Why didn't you just shut up?"...

As for Bill cutting the mic, yes, those fuckers were insane. Most of the time he lets them bullshit until time's up, but when it goes out of line he cuts the mic. Even though i disagree with Bill most of the time, I found it perfectly acceptable. w/e, highest rated Cable News show, so i can't be the only one.

as for Beck, yep, made it all up cause he only had one other witness. Please, even the ACORN member in DC (or somewhere) says that most of ACORN is pretty shady. Beck had a full interview with this guy and all he did was dance around the questions. Maybe by the time they reached that point Beck was tired of it.

1 point

1. Lern Eggnlish pleez. Also, that didn't refute anything.

2. I guess individualism = assholism. and what gay friends are you hanging with? That's how dudes are with each other... well, not the older crowd but definitely the younger crowd. eh, my dad used (and still does) think the modern culture has gone insane. But, i'm considered one of the friendliest people of my friends... they always call me the nice one. So w/e.

3. They make sense though and you haven't refuted them.

yea, screw Pew Research.

1 point

well, he told one guy to out right shut up while he was speaking... all the other times were just suggestions... like "why didn't you just shut up?" he wasn't telling him to do it at the time... so all those other times wouldn't count.

as for the last clip, someone interrupted him while he was speaking so he told him to shut up... which is a natural reaction. forgive him for being human.

1 point

watch out dude, personal stories are for some reason irrelevant to this debate. I mean, it is about the capability of people... what's better than a true story?

also, if he wants to be logical, than logic would propose that we simply let them die off (natural Selection is the most logical approach).

1 point

1. Under socialism you can not progress. you will always be at the position that you are best "fit" for.

2. Maybe he can help his own self up. And yeah, I would probably say something like that... welcome to individualism.

3. you started the analogy... so it's fair game to argue on.

According the Pew Research (i'm guessing this is where you got your stats from) Rush Limbaugh listeners know the most about certain news stories. Do you recommend i listen to him all the time?

O'Reilly Factor is pretty high up there (which i do watch) along with Colbert Report and Daily Show (which i watch as well).

I watch CNN and MSNBC. I watch local news and read Time Magazine and New York Post. I don't only watch Fox News...

1 point

on the answer of a deity, they are actually more agnostic. They just believe that "it is what it is". They believe in Karma and Darma, though, which I don't believe in (since it insights that we're being watched or something).

As for the other religions... most people who are very religious (that i meet at least) are very happy... you should probably stop hanging out with such depressed people.

2 points

did you ever actually see the situations where Bill cut someone's mic? these people were insane. on the rare occasions that he did it, it was very necessary. you would be begging for him to do it because these people were insane. It's basically so that he doesn't lose control of the show.

Beck just makes fun of the guy... big deal, the guy was being a moron and dancing around the question. and lying... Beck caught this immediately and decided to fuck with his head. The guy later says "you just don't like blacks" and Beck kicks him off the show.

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