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This personal waterfall shows you all of ThePyg's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

the whole brain surgeon v. janitor thing isn't quite true.

some would consider that cleaning up shit 12 hours a week as a harder job and would then pay him more. there's a reason why the working class favor socialism way more than the other classes. it's because they are viewed as the "harder workers".

1 point

Well, a dictator killing off anyone he likes without confrontation (the confrontation being war) I would not consider peace.

"Let he who wants peace prepare for war."

the second paragraph is, as you said, another argument. but just remember the whole thing on peace. The holocaust wasn't a war... but the people fighting against it made a war.

1 point

states on a global scale would seem a lot like Nations.

0 points

hitler and the ussr tried it; both failed. some forms are right for some, some arent. the thing is if you dont like your worl government, it's alot harder to leave.

1 point

something like that has to be KIND OF true.

2 points

please, we all need people who can provide some witty comments. and yes, that was funny cause it kind of is true.

if we stayed serious all the time, it wouldn't be that fun to come here as often.

yes, i'll admit, 80% of the topics that Joe brings up is crap, but his replies are pretty funny and necessary.

0 points

comedy is best in bad taste. the more people it offends, the better (unless it offends everyone but you).

lighten up, it's the internetz, not C-SPAN.

-3 points
0 points

even though genetics and the chemics of a brain do create the base, i really believe that sexual desires are environmental.

take pedophilia and beastiality. do you truly believe that those people are born liking only young children or animals. if so, that's a great case to defend the idea entirely. these people are affected by something else. now, i do accept that some of these people are chemically unbalanced, but to actually make a final "decision" in having sex with animals or small children would have to be quite a boost through an emotional account (from the environment).

although, i'm okay with gay people. not one of those conservative guys who says it's a "choice", that's insane.

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