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MKIced's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of MKIced's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I'm not scared at all. Just lazy. lol. I've debated about that concept at least two different times, as in two different debates.

3 points

Well, I tend to side with Republicans of course. :) I think the biggest qualm with Democrats is that they are so ready to abort babies but won't execute guilty murderers or wage war against an evil nation. Now, I've already discussed this before, so I'm not debating about that right now- get me another time. But Republicans tend to believe, at least the good old conservatives especially :), that abortion is wrong because it's innocent life being lost. The other cases are guilty life being lost. Just my opinion. You asked for the most sound logic and ideas, and this was a specific case in which Republicans have sounder logic. So stick that in your back pocket.

3 points

Individuals can definitely help to influence others to join in the effort, but one person or family cannot significantly lower greenhouse emissions or save natural resources on any scale. In order to conserve the environment, many people must get involved, all over the world.

2 points

I think this is more for primitive situations and times when food and reproduction are not readily available to all. As modern humans, we have no need to feed some people before others, since we can all make money and go to the local market or grocery store to buy food or even grow food in our backyards. Also, with such a large population, there is no need to deny anybody of reproduction. We all get our chances.

1 point

As much as some technologies are bad for environment and for nature, I feel that the advancement of technology will make devices more energy efficient and the human race can actually help the environment with technology. Of course, there are bad things associated with technology, like pollution, but if we stop advancing now, pollution will remain. If we continue to advance we can possibly reverse any carbon footprint we've ever had. Who knows where technology will go?

3 points

How can you say there is no evidence? I suppose you believe in the Big Bang (so do I). How do you suppose the Big Bang came to be? And don't say "random events". There is no way the entire Universe simply came to be without a Necessary Being. And what about miracles? Are they just by chance? God can be seen in so much around the world, so either you live under a rock or you just don't notice anything about how God is constantly here with us. Next time you go outside, look at the intricacy of the trees: how the branches intertwine and the colors are so vibrant. Look at the diversity of life and the delicacy of it. The balance of nature and the contrasts between night and day, alive and dead. To say there is no evidence of God is a HUGE fallacy.

7 points

I'm just going to say yes. Any questions about that?

3 points

I say, keep gay marriage OUT of religion. HOWEVER, allow it as a legal form of marriage. Shouldn't gay people be allowed to be happy(or as well.

3 points

The land was Palestinian land before Israelis moved in. After WWII, the UN decided to give land to Israel. This is unfair to the original owners of the land and it is unfair that a religious group is simply handed it's own independent nation.

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