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This personal waterfall shows you all of MKIced's arguments, looking across every debate.
6 points

The beginning of time. How did it all start? The Big Bang, right? Okay.... Explain how the Big Bang came to be. Oh right, a very dense piece of matter exploded and created the universe. But wait, how did that piece of matter come to be? There was nothing before it. Oh, that's right. God, the being who always was, created it, fully intending for it to explode and make the universe. Duh.

12 points

Religion seeks an explanation for why things happen. Science only answers how things happen.

i.e. How did the Earth form?

-Well, after billions of years the dust that composes earth eventually clumped together and condensed to form a planet. Some of this dust also made the sun.

How did all of this matter come to be?

-Billions and billions of years ago, at the beginning of time, there was the Big Bang, where an extremely dense piece of matter that held every atom in the known universe- the size of a pinhead maybe. All of the energy there caused it to explode and from there, galaxies and solar systems were born.

Where did the small piece of matter come from? or Why did the Big Bang happen?

If you can logically come up with a scientific answer to this, then you are absolutely amazing. How can everything come from nothing? Unless.... God made it! The spiritual being that always was and always will be created everything that never was and will cease to be!

16 points

I have never understood why people cannot accept that religion and God exist simultaneously with science. Science explains how things happen, but religion seeks the explanation of why these things happen- something science will never be able to do.

2 points

Look at the famous composers of the past or any other musician who has ever had a strange life but amazing music. The first thing that comes to mind about these people is their music. After this, we think about their lives.

1 point

Yes, I think the Earth is warming right now. But that doesn't mean it is only warming and it will never cool down again unless we change. I think this is a natural occurrence, since global temperatures go through warm ages and ice ages. No matter how much we may be speeding this up, I feel like the Earth will fix itself like it always has. Maybe that means a mass extinction- we're overdue for one by now anyway.

2 points

Nor is pissing people off a good way to honor the civilians, firefighters, and police officers who died that day.

1 point

I could easily see the NYC skyline looking very nice with new towers and I hope to see them once they open. Maybe, I'll actually go into the city, or maybe I'll just go to Atlantic Highlands, NJ. Beautiful look over the Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook. I went there on 9/11 after the towers had fallen. Very sad seeing all of the smoke. :(

But I would prefer the new towers because their aim is to honor those who died that day and show that we will not give up without a fight. Rebuilding the same things would only show the terrorists that they really pissed us off and now we have to waste time by redoing what was done already.

2 points

No, we all have the necessary anatomy to have sex and procreate. Rape is a spin-off of sex and is an invention of man.

1 point

Well yeah, but I'm just saying that in that case, it could still fluctuate.

2 points

No. I said some animals are prey and some are predators. We are predators at heart. We can also digest plants for when meat isn't readily available, but I believe we are predators first and foremost. Why else would we have evolved thought, thumbs, carnivorous teeth, etc? If you have the necessary anatomy to eat meat and you can eat meat, then eat meat! I'm not going to give up something that I was made to do. :)

2 points

Animals are not human beings. They do not have rational souls and are on this earth because some of them are prey and others are predators. We just happen to be special animals, with logic and reason, that are predators.

1 point

It's all relative. I'm sure anybody would shell out more dough for a sibling or parent than a random Chinese man or French woman. So a life is worth different amounts depending on who is appraising it.

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