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Kuklapolitan's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Kuklapolitan's arguments, looking across every debate.

Yes, I think it is bad to spend an inordinate amount of time in front of a PC. I should think it would depend on what one does for a living and that cannot be helped but fun time on the computer should be just that...FUN...and not an all nighter! The information highway is fun and now has become necessary for many things but it's no substitute for hands on learning or fun. There's a great big world out there...go out and live then use your computer for fun and/or something useful.

Once again we see why Abraham Lincoln was one of our most loved and quoted Presidents. This makes so much sense it's a wonder we cannot find a middle ground and remedy this situation.

If ever there was a writing on Capitalism that encapsulated all my feelings about it this is it! Thank you, Jess, for sharing it with us. One has to wonder if it must take that long to turn around to what it ought to have been.

LOL@ledhead...I knew he had ya with that one! '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

First off ledhead, there was never anything in the Constitution about same sex marriages until some states put it there. The same with Roe vs, Wade. Abortion was never a part of the original Constitution. These rulings can be overturned at any time by the state high courts or the Supreme Court. It's really nothing new but it is disturbing in these cases since a marriage can go south just because of a ruling, which can also be overturned in kind, and leave a couple reeling from its impact.

Well stated Borme...I agree to the last word you've written.

That was such a revelation Jess, I'm glad you are so articulate and honest. We needn't reduce ourselves to the "Alpha-Male" instincts of dogs in order to feel over the top but those of us who can, must learn to take the bull by the horns and strain the BS out of life's foibles that others create. We show out mettle when we do this and as long as we can yield to greater people and things greater than we are and recognize ourselves for what we are...Alpha is a good thing to be.

SAT???? It was supposed to be said! YIKES, I'm going blind too!

I favor greatly what you sat Jess...I just wish to add one more thing to it. I think we should take a break in technology to go back over some of it to be certain everything is working as we wished it to. I don't like dark alleys as an end to something. If we've gotten something wrong, maybe it's time to correct it. Technology must be built upon lest the bottom crumble and fail in ways we would not wish it to.

I'm glad that sentiment is alive and well within you Joe. And yes, I care, more than you know. Thank-you for sharing that with us.

Sorry Joe, I didn't answer you in good time. Yes, the words are there Joe. I am a homosexual woman and you are a heterosexual man. Those words have always existed but it's the straight community who makes us much more different than we really are as people. I've have always shown myself as I really am and I must say that I haven't had too much of a problem with people across the board. You see me see me as I really am, for every word I have written and spoken to you is me. I am no different off-line.

Yes, Joe! We are all in this together and I'm glad you made that statement! I don't think harshly of you when you make an honest and well thought out rebuttal. I only think that way when you start with your other type of debate or arguments!

You say you are also fighting the courts on something you say you're not entitled to. I don't know what that may be but you must keep fighting for a reason. We, too, fight for a reason. We fight for equality in all things because we are also viable human beings who deserve to be treated as such. ;-)

"Point one: I am a purist and I want the word 'marriage' to mean exactly what those who invented the word years ago defined it to be, "A civil union between a man and a woman." I don't want to change the meaning of the word to "The loving union between two individuals."

If a Civil Union was what they defined Marriage to be then what? You now have both of the words and/or statements by which the union is known. Does this mean we can have neither? If, as you state, we are not entitled to it then what shall people who wish to be married and enjoy a Civil Union be called? And why should it have to change? All any gay couple wishes to have are the things that are already defined by these words. If you change it, then you must define it. Then the ball starts to roll again in the direction of not being equal to Heterosexual people...but we are in all ways but one.

I, for one, am not in a war of any kind. I use logic and yes, I do use emotion along with logic in order to get some points across. Of course I can agree on the larger picture of people wanting something they are not entitled to but who decides we are not in this case? Straight people! Is this in any way just? I don't think it is and I wouldn't think so if the tables were turned.

I see a friendship forming here! Yes, indeed, another friendship begun at sweet!

While I do not believe it to be impossible it's pretty close to that unless states, counties and towns find something for them to do. I don't care if it's to clean up our roadways, parks, playgrounds or any other job that could possibly suit them.

Allow them to earn their fair share so they can, at the very least, live in section 8 or low income housing. If they need medical or mental care we need to get them onto our Medicare rolls and try to help them as best we can. Yes, some are truly off the beam and cannot do much, but everyone can do something. Every business in America should aid in keeping these people off the streets if they are viable and trustworthy.

There MUST be an answer to this problem and we need the people who sit in positions of aiding the poor to incorporate them into some sort of mainstream, even if it's only their own.

I know I am a heavy duty idealist but my God, can we not help our own from this tragic life they live?

That's one of your problems Jake...You tell don't reason it out or even back it up with facts, statistics or anything else of value. You are completely homophobic Jake, face it. The possibility of this being a viable relationship is so foreign to you that you believe a child would be ruined by being a part of that relationship. Homosexuality is not a disease my's a way of life that was given those of us who are. No one should be punished because of it.

May Allah help the Palestinians in their hour of need and desperation. May God watch over all of us as we pray for peace in our world.

I take a huge risk in saying this but it has always seemed to me that Israel is to Palestine what Hitler was to the Jews. This insanity must end before another nation and its people are destroyed.

I have read this article three times and am bewildered at how, exactly, something like this could be set up and work for ALL the people of the world. This is not something which can be accomplished with a trial run. If it didn't work, and I am very wary of something like this happening, how would we go about reversing it?

This speaks of countries like India, China, Russia, France, the USA and Euro nations all ceding power to someone or something. The article states "The United Nations is becoming increasingly irrelevant and antiquated, unable to adapt its structure to accommodate rising powers." If we cannot work toward getting The United Nations back to being a relevant entity, how shall we begin a 'New World Order', as it were, and have that be a success?

I really don't know if this kind of global government could ever work between countries so very different from one another. What recourse will the people have under such an extreme way of governing? Yes, where will the people go if the horizon gives them nothing more and is no different than the very place they stand on? I don't know Jess, I really don't.

Does the truth hurt you that much?

Sweetie, I wasn't opposing was Bradf0rd.

Jake, why should anyone lighten up? You're doing a pretty good job venting your point of view, why shouldn't others?

Jake, you are very fond of using the expression, "How many times do I have to tell you!"

First off that's a very cheeky statement. It a bit presumptuous of anyone to utter those words on subject matter they know so little about. Let me turn the tables though, for just one moment, when I say to you...HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT BEING GAY IS NOT A CHOICE!

I have known "families" with two moms and two dads. They were very loving families and the children felt that love very deeply...even when the questions came, as they always do. Most of the kids I kept track of wouldn't have traded their upbringing for one second because it taught them things about prejudice, acceptance, being different and being OK with that. They say they would not have had that same opportunity has they been raised by straight parents. All of them are fine and none of them are gay, no matter which gender they grew up with.

Unless I am misunderstanding you, how can an infant feel alienated if he/he is brought up by straight people? The child has no idea that one of the parents are gay!

In 1967, all adoptions and all information was sealed...forever!Even if it weren't there is nothing to say the mother was telling the truth about herself or the father of the child! No one checked these things.

And where, may I ask, you're getting your statistics from?

I don't have the stats on that but logically I should think it would lean toward the adoption...although in my own case I've heard the horror stories of my daughter growing up as an wasn't pretty.

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