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1 point

I wasn't referring to any sort of law or government. That is simply what I believe.

2 points

"and Faux is tin-foil-hat right"

Dude I know this is a way old debate I was just browsing, but that made me laugh HARD.

I gotta admit you're funny. You remind me of Bill Maher are you a fan?

0 points

You seriously need to eat a double bacon cheeseburger. ..................

3 points

I believe that it hurts them because it's a sin. End of story.

Now if this is a government thing; prop 8 was about defining marraige, not preventing "gay marraige".

The people voted. Get over it.

1 point

Wait so you want the race card to be extinct? Or did you mean racism?

1 point

So all in all, you liked the shout out because it gives you an opportunity to blame and laugh at republicans. And you know it. It's ammo for faggots all over again. A republican screwed up ALL ABORD! Once again, class act.

And you keep acting like Conservatives and Republicans are the exact same thing. Stop that.

1 point

I don't think he went into enough specific detail. He was very broad.

As for the shout out, that was disrespectfull and the guy apologized. I did think it was a little funny though. (:

Also funny is that the left suddenly wants everyone to respect the president. It was weird hearing David Letterman say "he's the president for crying out loud" think he would have said that if the same exact thing happened to Bush?

2 points

..... Are you trying to make us right wingers look bad?

It's as if a liberal made a fake account just to make us look bad. ..... ..

...Makes me wonder .... .. :\

2 points

Dear Prevaricate:

My didn't you see my other response? I did address the topic, it is my debate you know.

Thanks, -Jake

1 point

Nobody thinks that!! GER!!


1 point

1. I still would like somebody to prove that the commercial is filled with lies.

2. The whole point is not the commercial but that the mainstream media is way to in love with Obama and you freaking know it.

3. Lets talk about that little rant you made to mock conservatives: All the right spews all day is "blah blah, socialist, blah blah, most liberal President ever, blah blah guns, blah blah, he wasn't born here"

You are putting all of that on an entire group of people? that's real nice. Blah blah guns? what does that have to do with anything? you don't like the right to bare arms? How about "he wasn't born here" I don't think that. I don't know anybody who thinks that. You are watching way to much crap. And your so right he's not a socialist, he's a fascist.

Let's just hope you where trying to be funny.

4. Obama is not center left.

5. and even Olbermann and Maddow have questioned this administration more in the short short time it's been in charge, than Faux dared question that draft dodging war criminal Bush in his entire 8 year fiasco.

They usually attack the "right" instead of praising the left, so maybe there's some room for that, I don't know. I usually try not to watch them.

6. There is nothing in the first amendment that says a privately owned news station has to air every piece of bs that comes across their desk.

I know that. I'm just criticizing that they only air left wing BS, that's lame and one sided.

7. I never said Fox News was perfect. You are not insulting me by insulting Fox. You seem to go at them pretty hard when debating me, I'm not sure why.

0 points

You want to think that I said "that is toalitarianism!".

I merely said that it reminded my of totalitarianism. Almost as if Obama was pulling the strings, of course that's not true. Give me a break.

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