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Yes it should. But a childs life starts at birth. You notice we wouldn't call a child born three months previous "one year old."

Stanford puts it better than I can:

The term “morality” can be used either

descriptively to refer to some codes of conduct put forward by a society or,

some other group, such as a religion, or

accepted by an individual for her own behavior or

normatively to refer to a code of conduct that, given specified conditions, would be put forward by all rational persons.

Okay, so the behavior of the minority is abnormal, abnormal is deviant, and deviant behavior often isn't accepted by the majority. This is what you've established, and I don't disagree with it. But nowhere have you done anything to show why the behavior of the minority is unethical and immoral simply because it is deviant. You haven't shown abnormal behavior to be unacceptable, just stated that it is frequently unaccepted - by people like you.

I suppose the once deviant notion that a woman's word was equal to that of a man's, the abnormal view that women should be allowed to vote and own property was just "a slide of hands" by the women's rights movement. And, of course, if we apply your logic evenly, this makes them immoral and unethical for perpetrating deviant behavior. Godforbid we see it as social progress, it was something new and different, how could it be?

Your slippery slope argument comes off more like paranoia. If you cant make the distinction between rape and homosexuality simply because they are both actions of the minority, you must live in a very frightening world.

Why is it immoral or unethical for gays to marry?

And am i right in saying that in your mind legitimizing gay marriage is equivalent to legitimizing rape, child porn, and sex with animals?

And why do I love deviant sexual behavior? Perhaps we should define the term, because i know to many right wing Christians deviant sexual behavior means anything outside of missionary position for a few minutes before bed.

You think allowing gays to marry constitutes a "world without morals?" And sexual deviation can be pretty fun in my experience, and i don't see anything immoral about it. Dont see your point.

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