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nobodyknows's Reward Points: 745

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Bill Clinton gave a speech about his wonderful marriage to Hillary & their love! LOLOLOL
1 Added Argument If questions can't be stupid then answers can't be stupid.
2 Added Argument Bill Clinton's DNC Speech Tries the Impossible
1 Added Argument The recommended age to own an Ouija board is 8+ years.
1 Added Argument Michael Moore predicts that trump will win the presidency.
1 Added Argument Dumbo Democrat John Kerry on refrigeration and ISIS
1 Added Argument Democrat Keith Ellison in a state of confusion
1 Added Argument I will soon be leaving this site. There are few honest people & copying debates is allowed
3 Added Argument Trump 2016/ cops aren't resist
2 Added Argument Has Hillary Clinton caused a divide in the Democratic Party?
1 Added Argument What do you think our younger generation is learning if Hillary becomes president?
1 Added Argument "OSTO Minarchism" as a political philosophy
4 Added Argument The reason why you're not experiencing God.
3 Added Argument What kind of person can be bought by a proven corrupt politician? Democrats, that's who.
2 Added Argument Bernie the Hillbot?
5 Created Debate Bernie the Hillbot?
-1 Downvoted Argument Who is Jesus?
1 Added Argument Hillary doesn't need the BernieBros
5 Created Debate Hillary doesn't need the BernieBros
-1 Downvoted Argument Are all white people privileged?
1 Added Argument Hillary Clinton Can't Keep Track
1 Added Argument Do we need a woman president or not
1 Added Argument Should the Gorilla have died?
1 Added Argument Crazy Bernie Speechless On Socialism's Failures
7 Added Argument Who will win?
5 Created Debate Who will win?
1 Added Argument Do regular people have souls?
1 Added Argument KKK And It's Democratic Roots
1 Added Argument Dicky Dawkins
1 Added Argument Open to All, Imagine yourself to be God, how would you feel, what would you do?
1 Added Argument Does Fetty Wap eat fajita wraps?
2 Added Argument Is Bernie Sanders the Trump of the Left?
2 Added Argument I just created a debate on the corruption of Hillary & the people I ban showed why I ban.
5 Created Debate Is Bernie Sanders the Trump of the Left?
1 Added Argument Who would make the best president?
-1 Downvoted Argument Who would make the best president?
1 Added Argument It should be illegal to waterboard babies.
1 Added Argument Most intelligent people know politicians are corrupt, yet the Left wants more of the same.
4 Added Argument Who should get the nomination if Hillary is indicted?
5 Created Debate Who should get the nomination if Hillary is indicted?
0 Added Argument Hard Science proves God is there.
1 Added Argument How I think Demons REALLY work...
1 Added Argument Is Wealth and Income Inequality really a concern/ a consequence of free market system ?
1 Added Argument Are american people really happy and satisfy ???
1 High Rated Argument Can you prove you have the right to exist as a sinner outside of Hell?
6 Added Argument Do you want to keep your guns? Don't elect Democrats who will appoint anti gun Justices?
1 Added Argument Hubble's law is inconsistent with special relativity
0 Added Argument Der Zuzug von Flüchtenden sollte begrenzt werden.
3 Added Argument Is IOS system better than Android system?
3 Created Debate If money is speech...
0 Added Argument BigOats/LilWheaties Has Banned Me from all His debates? Why?
2 Added Argument Can you prove you have the right to exist as a sinner outside of Hell?
1 Added Argument Lyin' Ted picks Fiorina as his VP before he has the nomination
1 Added Argument Classic Progressive Ignorance !
1 Added Argument Hey Cowards! (And fellow True Debators, too!)....
2 Added Argument The people have spoken, Hillary will be the Democratic nominee
1 Added Argument Who is the world's top public intellectual?
5 Created Debate The people have spoken, Hillary will be the Democratic nominee
1 Added Argument The Illuminati is real
3 Created Debate Who is the world's top public intellectual?
1 Added Argument What are yall doing this summer???
1 Added Argument should university education be compulsory to all
1 Added Argument Should you be permitted to get any style of haircut you want?
1 Added Argument Is White Privilege Real?
-1 Downvoted Argument Slap Shot is Admirably Strong
2 Added Argument Is White Privilege Real?
2 Added Argument What proof do we have of an expanding universe ?
2 Added Argument Do you feel bad debating fervent religious folks if religion is how they cope with life?
1 Added Argument Many creationists do not understand evolution enough to argue against it
1 Added Argument Intel Lays Off 12,000
1 Added Argument Was Hitler actually a good guy who was perpetrated as evil by allied WW2 propaganda?
1 Added Argument Do any of you use a search engine other than Google?
1 Added Argument Live Science, Scientific Evidence of Hell.
1 Added Argument Yawheh & Hilter.........
1 Added Argument The Smartest People Are Atheists. This is a FACT!
1 Added Argument This Says it All About CREATIONISTS!
1 Added Argument This debate is both racist and sexist - debator discretion is advised.
5 Added Argument This debate is both racist and sexist - debator discretion is advised.
1 Added Argument Has Hillary started her N.C. bashing yet. She can't get through a speech without LBGT plug
4 Added Argument Hillary? A corrupt liar hopefully soon to be indicted? This is what Democrats give you?
1 Added Argument EQUATION 1 and 2
1 Added Argument Is it time for lyin' Ted to call it quits?
1 Added Argument How to differentiate between a trans woman and a real woman.
1 Added Argument If Satan punishes bad people, doesn't that make him a good guy?
4 Added Argument Forget the current candidates, who do you REALLY want to be President of the USA?
1 Added Argument Is Prince dead?
1 Added Argument Create Debate Supreme Court
2 Added Argument If Libertarianism is so valuable, why are ther no libertarian nations?
-1 Downvoted Argument If Libertarianism is so valuable, why are ther no libertarian nations?
1 Added Argument When voting, do you vote for self, or for country?
2 Added Argument Will Bernie Supporters Face Reality After Losing New York?
5 Created Debate Will Bernie Supporters Face Reality After Losing New York?
1 Added Argument Which political philosophy is more simple-minded?
1 Added Argument Who do you want to Win the Democratic Nomination?
2 Added Argument Will computers be able to solve this Math Problem?
1 Added Argument violence

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