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nobodyknows's Reward Points: 745

Points When What Where
2 Added Argument Should most criminal home invasion killings be considered self defense
2 Created Debate How to mitigate the damage of a Trump presidency
1 Added Argument IF God DID exist - what would you ask?
6 High Rated Argument While election day is 3 months away, if you had to vote today, who would you vot
1 Added Argument Hillary's anti Trump commercials? She saying show us your tax returns! SHOW US YOUR EMAILS
2 Added Argument Why do Trump Supporters think online polls are more accurate?
1 Added Argument Is There Meaning or Is Meaning What You Make It?
3 Added Argument This site has many people who want someone else to take care of them. Some quotes.
1 Added Argument While election day is 3 months away, if you had to vote today, who would you vot
1 Added Argument Is the Earth elliptical or flat
1 Added Argument Buy American or Buy Foreign
1 Added Argument Union or non-Union
1 Added Argument Poker and the election
1 Added Argument Gravely ill Obamacare on life support
1 Added Argument Clinton Strategist: “Kill Julian Assange — A Dead Man Can’t Leak Stuff”
1 Added Argument Im Back What Did I Miss?
0 Added Argument Abortion, Firearms and Twitter.
1 Added Argument More Proof Hillary and Obama are liars and players
1 Added Argument Detroit , Michigan is a wasteland
2 Added Argument Revolution Over Presidential Election
2 Added Argument The lies as told by Hillary Clinton
3 Created Debate Reagan predicted Trump
2 Added Argument Here are five statements made by Trump on Nuclear weapons. Nothing scary!
2 Added Argument Democrats are now scaring you about how Trump would be dangerous with Nuclear weapons.
1 Added Argument 2016: Year of the Third Parties?
1 Added Argument Pallets of cash sent to terrorist in Iran
3 Added Argument If you can't see how the biased media twists everything Trump says, you truly are fools!
1 Added Argument Tell me what is more important. Trivial squabbles with Trump, or supreme court Justices?
1 Added Argument What is the goal of government?
-1 Downvoted Argument Bernie or Bust. What do you think?
-1 Downvoted Argument I know Trump is a bad choice, however, I'd like to see what he'd do to the USA
1 Added Argument I know Trump is a bad choice, however, I'd like to see what he'd do to the USA
2 Added Argument How many times have we listened to Dems scream how the GOP never compromises on guns!
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Russian hackers search for Hillary's missing e-mails?
10 Added Argument Bernie or Bust. What do you think?
4 Added Argument 350 million guns in America
7 Added Argument Homeownership at a 51 year low
1 Added Argument Are you voting for Hillary?
5 Created Debate Bernie or Bust. What do you think?
9 Added Argument Are you voting for Hillary?
1 Added Argument Clinton vs Trump: Best Individual Policy
1 Added Argument Clinton vs Trump: Policies
3 Added Argument I'm seeing a pattern here. Democrat's conditional compassion. You must fit in PC groups.
1 Added Argument Donald J. Trump has put the Lame Stream Media into full blown spin out mode
1 Added Argument What did the first Black President do for Black people? Hillary wants you to vote for...
1 Added Argument Bill Clinton's DNC Speech Tries the Impossible
1 Added Argument Is there really such a thing as a stupid question?

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