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mosc's Reward Points: 71

Points When What Where
0 Added Argument Wikipedia Exposes The Alt Reich (Again)
1 Added Argument antisemitic
3 Added Argument What if I told you that you weren't Christian because you didnt help write the bloodybible
2 Added Argument I'm a Jew. I STILL hate Nazis. Always will. Why SHOULDN'T black people HATE the white man?
8 Added Argument I'm a Jew. I STILL hate Nazis. Always will. Why SHOULDN'T black people HATE the white man?
1 Added Argument In 74 years of being a Jew, I am now being accused of NOT being one. What's up with that?
1 Added Argument Is there any justification for antisemitism?
2 Created Debate antisemitic
3 Added Argument Gaza Conflict
1 Added Argument Is criticism of Isreali state policy, and/or US support of it, mistaken for anti-semitism?
2 Added Argument Is criticism of Isreali state policy, and/or US support of it, mistaken for anti-semitism?

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