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StickinStone's Reward Points: 649

Points When What Where
2 Added Argument Atheism: The Lack of Belief in a God, or the Belief in the Lack of a God
7 Added Argument Atheism: The Lack of Belief in a God, or the Belief in the Lack of a God
1 Added Argument Is Israel an evil nation as defined by her actions?
3 Added Argument Do rights exist?
1 Added Argument Non-STEM degrees are a consumer good and not an investment
1 Added Argument Is Islam a religion of peace?
1 Added Argument Is Islam a religion of peace?
1 Added Argument Can we achieve peace through war?
2 Added Argument Can we achieve peace through war?
1 Added Argument Koji od navedenih alata omogućava uspješniju komunikaciju između više osoba?
2 High Rated Argument If you don't believe in God, then the government is your god.
1 Added Argument If you don't believe in God, then the government is your god.
1 Added Argument EXTREMELY serious debate.
2 Added Argument Do you think a fertilized egg is a person?
1 Added Argument Does the U.S. need a new constitution?
1 Created Debate Corporate Welfare
1 Added Argument Are you unhappy with your government?
1 Added Argument If you could have any cosmetic surgery would you have it and if so what?
2 Added Argument Which is worse: Communism vs Nazism
3 Added Argument Why have global temperatures remained constant since 1998?
1 Added Argument Chicken or Egg?
1 Added Argument Christians: How would the world be different if there were no God?
5 Created Debate Why have global temperatures remained constant since 1998?
2 Created Debate Free Markets VS State Control

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