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NowASaint's Reward Points: 1380

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Even animals love Qur'an
2 Added Argument Even animals love Qur'an
2 High Rated Argument Mohammad was NOT a pedophilia!
0 Added Argument Neanderthals vs homo sapiens
1 Added Argument Mohammad was NOT a pedophilia!
1 Added Argument How many other realms of reality could possibly exist.
1 Added Argument Does God exist?
-1 Downvoted Argument Does God exist?
5 Created Debate Is this site fit for children?
2 Added Argument Why would you believe anything on faith?
1 Added Argument Do you think the word "white" is just as rude as the word "black" today?
1 Added Argument WTHell is America doing in Taiwan
1 Added Argument I've considered making their perversion punishable by death
1 Added Argument I AM THE KIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 Added Argument George Washington was a scumbag
1 Added Argument Should Native Americans be angry that europeans colonized their land?
1 Added Argument I SAY I'm hung like a stud horse. Is it legitimate for me to make that claim?
1 Added Argument This platform/website needs a new feature
1 Added Argument Where do you live?
1 Added Argument Should abortion be abolished?
2 Added Argument Have you Read the Bible? Is it that Important?
1 Added Argument If a man can marry a man can he marry his mother or sister?
1 Added Argument Is there a such thing as 100% contraception.
3 Added Argument Who is the Best Rock Band Ever?
2 Added Argument Can Anyone Give a Shred of Credible Evidence for *any* God?
2 Added Argument If anyone can disprove the FACT of evolution I promise I will leave this site fo
1 Added Argument Who Here Is a Creationist, Intelligent Design, or God Guided Evolution?
1 Added Argument should punishment for rapist be more than prison?
0 Added Argument Christianity - the ultimate copy cat religion
0 Added Argument This documentary explains how America ran off the rails
1 Added Argument In order to be a freak, you gotta be a lil nasty!
1 Added Argument Do Unitarians count as Christians?
1 Added Argument Are there more than two genders?
1 Added Argument What's your opinion on Astrology?
1 Added Argument Why do Christians decorate their houses for Christmas?
1 Added Argument are the users on this site good or bad
1 Added Argument Why are African Americans more violent than whites ?
0 Added Argument God: Good enough?
0 Added Argument هل يجب أن نقتل الكافر؟
1 Added Argument ho hates Islam?
0 Added Argument Black people are the REAL israelites!
1 Added Argument Is a Two-State Solution an Acceptable Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?
1 Added Argument Donald Trump Or Hillary Clinton
1 Added Argument The God of Christianity Exists.
0 Added Argument How's the relationship with God?
1 Added Argument Do so called American freedoms exist more in their minds than in reality ?
2 Added Argument What do you eat on an average day?
2 Added Argument Who is your favorite musician of all time?
1 Added Argument Is God Real?
0 Added Argument Evolution vs. Creation Science
1 Added Argument Was Michael Jackson a peadophile?
0 Added Argument Christians Feelings for Gays, Atheist and Islam
0 Added Argument Christians Feelings for Gays, Atheist and Islam
1 Added Argument Humans are carnivores.
1 Added Argument are we giong to go to war
2 Added Argument The God of Christianity Exists.
1 Added Argument What the hell is this?
1 Added Argument If the NFL dies, will it be because of Kaepernik, or Concussions??
2 Added Argument Does becoming atheist automatically make you 'Intelligent'?
2 Added Argument Can any believer prove their god exists ? If not why ?
0 Added Argument The pineal gland is calcified in whites
1 Added Argument Are rich people obligated to donate to charity?
0 Added Argument The pineal gland is calcified in whites
0 Added Argument Have you ever seen a ghost? Do you believe ghosts exist?
1 Added Argument Safe sex versus abstinence, which is better at preventing pregnancy + STIs?
1 Added Argument Having an alias debate name says what? What's the purpose of hiding your true identity?
1 Added Argument Is there an age where you are too old to be trick or treating?
3 Added Argument Should teens be made to go to church by their parents/gardians?
1 Added Argument Is Biblical Archeology trying to discredit Christianity?
1 Added Argument John 3:36
-1 Downvoted Argument John 3:36
-1 Downvoted Argument John 3:36
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument John 3:36
-1 Downvoted Argument John 3:36
-1 Downvoted Argument John 3:36
-1 Downvoted Argument Free will does not exist you flea brained simpleton
-1 Downvoted Argument Free will does not exist you flea brained simpleton
-1 Downvoted Argument Free will does not exist you flea brained simpleton
1 Added Argument Should the US support Israel?
2 Added Argument Should "sacred geometry" be taken seriously?
3 Added Argument If Christianity is a fairy tale, why do you suppose so many spend their lives judging it?
1 Added Argument Can we overcome entropy?
5 Created Debate John 3:36
-1 Downvoted Argument Guantanamo bay: Should we have it? or Should we close it?
-1 Downvoted Argument What if current events are Bible prophesies in process of end times fulfilments?
-1 Downvoted Argument Posting more than one response to a banned person is evidence of maliciousness
-1 Downvoted Argument To those who say that "practicing" gays and bisexuals can't be Christian. Checkmate.
-1 Downvoted Argument Is the End near for the Church?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is God actually the Bad Guy?
-1 Downvoted Argument Are you willing to read the Gospel of John?
-1 Downvoted Argument Whose side is God on?
-1 Downvoted Argument Are we all one human race?
-1 Downvoted Argument 100 Reasons Why Evolution is Wrong
1 Added Argument Can you judge a sinner by their sin alone?

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