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Muaguana's Reward Points: 154

Points When What Where
3 Added Argument Is prayer nonsense?
1 Added Argument Jesus Christ: Fact or Fiction?
1 Added Argument Beatles or Rolling Stones
1 Added Argument Should passing a final exam, in any school, pass you in the class?
5 Created Debate What role does art play in our society?
2 Added Argument Do we continue to exist even when our bodies die?
2 Added Argument Was muhammad a pedophile
3 Added Argument Who is the most respectable person in history?
1 Added Argument Is it possible to dig ourselves out of this technological hole?
1 Added Argument Will our technological advancements keep up with our population increase?
1 Added Argument 1 person should only be able to add 1 point to a debate.
5 Added Argument Do you believe in God?
1 Added Argument Is there a conflict in believing in both evolution and a personal god?
4 Added Argument What should be done about overpopulation (if anything)?
5 Created Debate What should be done about overpopulation (if anything)?
1 Added Argument Should the US government fund stem cell research?
1 Added Argument Corporate lobbyists: Good or Bad?
2 Added Argument How did the universe begin?
3 Added Argument Should something be done to avert the Peak Oil Crisis?
4 Created Debate Corporate lobbyists: Good or Bad?
5 Created Debate Should something be done to avert the Peak Oil Crisis?
3 Added Argument If a tree falls and there's no one to hear it, does it make a sound?
1 Added Argument Best YouTube Video
1 Added Argument Do you believe in UFO's?
1 Added Argument The best type of music...
2 Added Argument Do you consider the Morman religion to be a cult?
1 Added Argument Is it right for women who are pregnant to get abortions if they want to?
1 Added Argument Outsourcing of US jobs to foreign countries: Bad or Good?
1 Added Argument Is downloading digital files wrong?
1 Added Argument Is a zombie plague imminent?
1 Added Argument Should America have dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
1 Added Argument Is extra-terrestrial life possible?
1 Added Argument If a dying child asks if there is a heaven after they die what will you say?
1 Added Argument Has evolution been scientifically proved?
1 Added Argument Would you kill someone to save one hundred people?
1 Added Argument Should Barack Obama be the next president of the US?
1 Added Argument 9/11 was an inside job.
1 Added Argument A Black Muslim Liberal for President of the U.S.????
1 Added Argument Digital communication: Are we losing touch with how to relate to each other as humans?
1 Added Argument Do humans have a reason to live?
5 Added Argument Do we continue to exist even when our bodies die?
2 Added Argument Should suicide, and the assistance of, be legal?
0 Added Argument Is homosexuality morally wrong?
1 Added Argument Would you live on the moon?
1 Added Argument Was muhammad a pedophile

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