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Mahollinder's Reward Points: 900

Points When What Where
1 High Rated Argument Should teachers carry guns in schools?
4 Added Argument Does God exist?
1 Added Argument Should school teachers have to wear school uniform?
1 High Rated Argument How do you stand on racial profiling?
-1 Downvoted Argument Why do you think there are "black people" if god made Adam and Eve and they are both WHITE
1 Added Argument Why do you think there are "black people" if god made Adam and Eve and they are both WHITE
1 Added Argument Religion is the opium of the masses.
8 Added Argument How do you stand on racial profiling?
1 Added Argument If you try to fail and succeed, what have you done?
8 Added Argument Irony of atheist
1 Added Argument Should a man, even after gender reassignment, be declared a 'woman'?
4 Added Argument Should gay marriages be allowable?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should gay marriages be allowable?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should gay marriages be allowable?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should gay marriages be allowable?
0 Added Argument Is this a fair and accurate statement of liberals?
1 Added Argument Should teachers carry guns in schools?
5 Added Argument Obama
2 High Rated Argument Who is hotter: Alison Brie or Megan Fox?
3 Added Argument The End of History
5 Created Debate The End of History
1 Added Argument The Best Classical Composer
1 Added Argument Is there absolute truth?
1 Added Argument Is it illegal to make upskort videos?
1 Added Argument I have been seeing these commercials for months, and I am clueless. Someone help me!
1 Added Argument With Obama, should 'Land of the Free' be changed to 'Land of the Socialist'?
1 Added Argument What is the coolest english word?
7 High Rated Argument A small lesson 4 the atheists and agnostics, christian from islam even though UR prejudice
4 Added Argument A small lesson 4 the atheists and agnostics, christian from islam even though UR prejudice
1 Added Argument Intelligent Design VS Creationism
1 Added Argument People have got to stop trying to tell people what they can or can't do.
1 Added Argument is god real
2 Added Argument rap is crap
-1 Downvoted Argument Who Kills More Innocent People?
1 Added Argument Which came first? Chicken or Egg?
1 Added Argument AM I SEXY
2 Added Argument Why is it that ... ( read description )
1 High Rated Argument Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize... Do you think he deserved to win?
1 Added Argument Think this deserves an 'A'? Do you like it?
2 Added Argument If someone says ur gay, what would u do?
1 Added Argument The Obama administration is at it again!
1 Added Argument The Obama administration is at it again!
-1 Downvoted Argument Creation vs. Evolution
4 Added Argument If a dying child asks if there is a heaven after they die, what would you say?
-1 Downvoted Argument Liberals should not get pissed if you sleep with their women
1 Added Argument The beginning. God? Or the Universe itself?
3 Added Argument Creation vs. Evolution
-1 Downvoted Argument Creation vs. Evolution
-1 Downvoted Argument Creation vs. Evolution
-1 Downvoted Argument Is being Agnostic the best religious choice? Isn't it like playing it safe?
-1 Downvoted Argument Liberals should not get pissed if you sleep with their women
1 Added Argument should girls be allowed to were jeans so when they bend over you see there underwear
1 Added Argument Words to live by
4 Added Argument Liberals should not get pissed if you sleep with their women
-1 Downvoted Argument Liberals should not get pissed if you sleep with their women
1 Added Argument Give me something to debate about! Pick my side even! Something, anything good!
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Homosexuals have equal rights - To Marry and Adopt etc ?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Homosexuals have equal rights - To Marry and Adopt etc ?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Homosexuals have equal rights - To Marry and Adopt etc ?
1 Added Argument Laptops help students learn
1 Added Argument Why do humans need clothes?
0 High Rated Argument Is evolution real?
1 Added Argument where has real America gone ?
2 Added Argument Good foreign films?
1 Added Argument where has real America gone ?
3 Created Debate Is hyperbole good for Democracy?
0 Added Argument People who cannot disprove God's existence hide behind 'Burden of proof'.
-1 Downvoted Argument Feet are disgusting.
-1 Downvoted Argument Feet are disgusting.
-1 Downvoted Argument Feet are disgusting.
1 Added Argument Is this the new Progressive Democratic tax reform? Who is paying taxes?
3 Added Argument Feet are disgusting.
1 Added Argument What happened to the child within you?
2 Added Argument How old?
1 Added Argument Whats Your Favorite Painting And The Author Of It (Post Picture If You Can) =)
1 Added Argument What is your favorite television series?
3 High Rated Argument evolution vs creationism
2 Added Argument Riddles?
1 Added Argument Should kids be able to debate on the website?
0 Added Argument Is evolution real?
1 Added Argument evolution vs creationism
2 Added Argument Solipsism is the most valid philosophical belief.
1 Added Argument Is this a good idea for a product?
-1 Downvoted Argument Blacks are animals
2 Added Argument Blacks are animals
0 Added Argument Should teen moms be judged or looked down on?
1 Added Argument Is it fair to chastise Executives for high pay?
2 Added Argument Liberals should be locked away in a sanitarium for their own protection.
1 Added Argument How would you amend this list
1 Added Argument if u goed on a date with a girl what would u do!?!?!?
1 Added Argument Should the Postal Service be opened to the privatization?
2 Added Argument Is the Health care reform an act of communism?
1 Added Argument Does the U.S. need a new constitution?
1 Added Argument The image of the Netherlands is that of a xenophobic nation

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