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IAmSparticus's Reward Points: 1516

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument As I said would happen, the biased liberal media buried Hillary's irredeemable comments.
1 Added Argument Rich cannot get richer without others getting poorer
1 Added Argument Who do you think should become President Trump,Clinton
1 Added Argument Poster Child for Abortion
1 Added Argument Who won the First Vice Presidential Debate Last Night?
-1 Downvoted Argument Once again the debate moderator was biased towards the Democrat.
7 Added Argument Teach me to hate Clinton
1 Added Argument Childish Tim Kaine
1 Added Argument Given all the power to the end of the world, we can never do away with terrorist
1 Added Argument Hillary Insults Bernie's Basement Brigade
-1 Downvoted Argument
5 Created Debate Donald Trump Tax Write-Off: Thoughts?

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