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Firnen's Reward Points: 0

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument The Roman Catholic Church -- MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS
-1 Downvoted Argument The Roman Catholic Church -- MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS
2 Added Argument Democrats do not care for the poor... they use the poor! There are now more poor people!
-1 Downvoted Argument EVOLUTION, Mom says don't laugh, no more votes, funny has 2 many
-1 Downvoted Argument EVOLUTION, Mom says don't laugh, no more votes, funny has 2 many
-1 Downvoted Argument EVOLUTION, Mom says don't laugh, no more votes, funny has 2 many
-1 Downvoted Argument EVOLUTION, Mom says don't laugh, no more votes, funny has 2 many
-1 Downvoted Argument EVOLUTION, Mom says don't laugh, no more votes, funny has 2 many
-1 Downvoted Argument EVOLUTION, Mom says don't laugh, no more votes, funny has 2 many
-1 Downvoted Argument EVOLUTION, Mom says don't laugh, no more votes, funny has 2 many
-1 Downvoted Argument EVOLUTION, Mom says don't laugh, no more votes, funny has 2 many
-1 Downvoted Argument EVOLUTION, Mom says don't laugh, no more votes, funny has 2 many
-1 Downvoted Argument EVOLUTION, Mom says don't laugh, no more votes, funny has 2 many
-1 Downvoted Argument EVOLUTION, Mom says don't laugh, no more votes, funny has 2 many
10 Added Argument EVOLUTION, Mom says don't laugh, no more votes, funny has 2 many
-1 Downvoted Argument Atheism is self Refuting, Part III
-1 Downvoted Argument Atheism is self Refuting, Part III
1 Added Argument To hear many on this site, you would think Christians were the terrorists killing people.
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument Please tell me why those on the Left refuse to ridicule Muslims like they do Christians.
-1 Downvoted Argument Please tell me why those on the Left refuse to ridicule Muslims like they do Christians.
-1 Downvoted Argument Please tell me why those on the Left refuse to ridicule Muslims like they do Christians.
-1 Downvoted Argument Please tell me why those on the Left refuse to ridicule Muslims like they do Christians.
5 Added Argument Please tell me why those on the Left refuse to ridicule Muslims like they do Christians.
-1 Downvoted Argument The Meaning of Life
-1 Downvoted Argument The Meaning of Life
-1 Downvoted Argument The Meaning of Life
1 Added Argument Atheism VS God
3 Added Argument Democrat debate, a contest to see who could buy the most votes with our money!
-1 Downvoted Argument Funny how Heterosexuals feel no need to try and convince others of their normalc
-1 Downvoted Argument Funny how Heterosexuals feel no need to try and convince others of their normalc
-1 Downvoted Argument 177 Democrats voted against giving a born Baby from a botched abortion protection!
1 Added Argument God loves you (2)
1 Added Argument You are either for something or you are against those who are for it.
1 Added Argument I'm better than God because I insist He is not there
-1 Downvoted Argument God loves you.
-1 Downvoted Argument God loves you.
-1 Downvoted Argument God loves you.
-1 Downvoted Argument God loves you.
-1 Downvoted Argument would you rather be killed by burning or drowning
1 Added Argument God loves you.
2 Added Argument God loves you.
2 Added Argument What a shock, the Democrat party supports forcing businesses to pay $15 minimum wage!
1 Added Argument Another mass killing in a gun free zone! Democrats, your war on gun rights is killing us.
3 Added Argument Thirty years ago, people would have gasped at Transgender awareness in public schools.
1 Added Argument I will not shop in Macy's & hope millions do the same. No retail store should be political
1 Added Argument They will have to take away Bruce Jenners olympic medals because he was a woman!
1 Added Argument I wonder when Liberal Democrats start forcing tax payers to pay for sex change operations?
1 Added Argument Fake Dallas shooting. Info in description.
0 Added Argument Why do pedophiles choose to be pedphiles?
1 Added Argument Should Tahiti declare independence from France?
1 Added Argument Have both sides of the abortion debate gone wrong?
2 Added Argument Everyone who is prochoice has already been born.
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument Everyone who is prochoice has already been born.
-1 Downvoted Argument Everyone who is prochoice has already been born.
-1 Downvoted Argument Everyone who is prochoice has already been born.
1 Added Argument Everyone who is prochoice has already been born.
1 Added Argument The Biblical case for same sex marriage?
-1 Downvoted Argument Liberalism versus conservatism: Which one is better?
-1 Downvoted Argument
1 Added Argument Yeshua versus Satan, which do you choose?
1 Added Argument Why do people care so much about upvoting and downvoting.?
5 Added Argument Arresting officers in the Freddie Grey killing are expected to be charged
-1 Downvoted Argument The mystery of the Rossetta Stone.
-1 Downvoted Argument The mystery of the Rossetta Stone.
1 Added Argument The mystery of the Rossetta Stone.
-1 Downvoted Argument No banning: Didtatorship versus democracy.
-1 Downvoted Argument Abortion is the worst form of age discrimination.
1 Added Argument Abortion is the worst form of age discrimination.
2 High Rated Argument Is the organism in this picture a person with rights?
-1 Downvoted Argument Are you a Feminist or Male Chauvinist.
1 Added Argument Are you a Feminist or Male Chauvinist.
-1 Downvoted Argument Does the proabortion activists respect the unborn child's right to choose?
1 Added Argument Does the proabortion activists respect the unborn child's right to choose?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is the organism in this picture a person with rights?
1 Added Argument Is the organism in this picture a person with rights?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is the organism in this picture a person with rights?
-1 Downvoted Argument It is wrong to tell people what to do.
-1 Downvoted Argument It is wrong to tell people what to do.
3 Added Argument It is wrong to tell people what to do.
-1 Downvoted Argument It is wrong to tell people what to do.
-1 Downvoted Argument (PROOF) Gay marriage is wrong
-1 Downvoted Argument This site has proven my suspicions that debating a Liberal is truly a waste of time.
1 Added Argument This site has proven my suspicions that debating a Liberal is truly a waste of time.
-1 Downvoted Argument This site has proven my suspicions that debating a Liberal is truly a waste of time.
-1 Downvoted Argument This site has proven my suspicions that debating a Liberal is truly a waste of time.
-1 Downvoted Argument Our naton has been praying in public buildings since the Constitution was written, think!
-1 Downvoted Argument Our naton has been praying in public buildings since the Constitution was written, think!
-1 Downvoted Argument Our naton has been praying in public buildings since the Constitution was written, think!
-1 Downvoted Argument Our naton has been praying in public buildings since the Constitution was written, think!
-1 Downvoted Argument Our naton has been praying in public buildings since the Constitution was written, think!
-1 Downvoted Argument Our naton has been praying in public buildings since the Constitution was written, think!
1 Added Argument Islamic extremists just beheaded many Christians and still Obama cares more about Climate.
1 Added Argument Should Paris be allowed to sue FOX?
-1 Downvoted Argument Have you noticed how the Left judges Fox news or any Conservative that speaks out?

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