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CucumberHole's Reward Points: 76

Points When What Where
2 Created Debate Media are a Marxist police state propaganda force
1 Created Debate Science says liberals, not conservatives, are psychotic
0 Added Argument Conservative Gladiators Piss Themselves When They See Me In The Glorious Arena
1 Added Argument Conservatism is a mental illness.
2 Created Debate How is this user on the leader board with 146 points?
1 Added Argument Diversity is more important than safety with planes
2 Added Argument Why Is American Culture So Shallow?
1 Added Argument Who is the bigger enemy? Trump or the criminal deep state?
2 Added Argument Really bro? Atheists jump on Christians, but not Muslims? Hypocrits.
0 Added Argument Does Dermot Know Which Planet He Lives On?
4 Created Debate God on transexuality
2 Added Argument 6 Dems join GOP in appointing pro-torture Repub as head of CIA. What say you?
1 Added Argument I support the Trumpier than Trump guy who is running in West Virginia. Do you??
1 Added Argument NY needs a new Attorney General. How bout Rudy? How bout Preet?
1 Added Argument Idols or barbies
4 Added Argument What are your thoughts on socialism?
10 Added Argument Prove God does NOT exist!
1 Added Argument Progressives are far right wing nutjobs
1 Added Argument Michael Obama shames Women for Voting For Trump
3 Added Argument Does the Bible condone slavery?
1 Added Argument Trump supporters: Whacha gonna DO if/when Trump is IMPEACHED???
1 Added Argument Which belief system requires more faith?
2 Added Argument Progressives are far right wing nutjobs
1 Added Argument Progressives want "Reparations on Agenda by 2022"
-1 Downvoted Argument Does god exist?
-1 Downvoted Argument Does god exist?
1 Added Argument Why is Hitler so popular recently?
2 Added Argument Is animal breeding forced rape?
2 Added Argument If you learn a very successful technique from a very bad person, should you use it?
1 Created Debate How do you keep a marriage healthy & together?
3 Added Argument Why do atheists hate the Bible and real Christians?
1 Added Argument I used to BELIEVE Evangelicals EMBRACED piety.. But, their embrace of Trump BELIES that
3 Created Debate The next Presidential election will be the biggest 3 ring circus in history
2 Created Debate Is it possible there are other you's in parrallel universes?
1 Created Debate Is it possible to become immortal?
1 Added Argument 9/11 was a false flag event
3 Created Debate 9/11 was a false flag event
1 High Rated Argument You're a Russian spy isn't a rebuttal. It's NomSense.
1 Added Argument You're a Russian spy isn't a rebuttal. It's NomSense.
1 Created Debate Liberalism is brainwashed into people because it isn't instinctive or natural
1 Added Argument Do liberals cause problems in the world?
1 Added Argument White ppl don't take blacks seriously when they talk about legit racism
1 Added Argument Hey feminists...Why is equality not equal enough for you?
1 Added Argument Who can deny a DACA deal? The Democrats can.
3 Added Argument Did evolution actually take place?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is the monetary system logical?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is the monetary system logical?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is the monetary system logical?
1 Added Argument I wanted a Socialist Germany
-1 Downvoted Argument If aliens tried to contact us & looked like this would it be a good thing?
-1 Downvoted Argument If aliens tried to contact us & looked like this would it be a good thing?
-1 Downvoted Argument If aliens tried to contact us & looked like this would it be a good thing?
-1 Downvoted Argument If aliens tried to contact us & looked like this would it be a good thing?
-1 Downvoted Argument If aliens tried to contact us & looked like this would it be a good thing?
2 Created Debate Mao would be better than Trump
2 Added Argument Britain should pay America annually for trying to own us in the past
-1 Downvoted Argument Are all these mass shootings fake/staged?
2 Created Debate Having doors that automatically lock would help school defense
2 Created Debate If you were God how would you have made the world?
0 Added Argument The "I've Lost A Debate To NumberOne" Club

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