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Amarel's Reward Points: 5669

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Who values their time so little that they will create endless puppet accounts to troll CD?
5 Created Debate Who values their time so little that they will create endless puppet accounts to troll CD?
0 Created Debate What kind of person values their time so little that they will create endless puppet accou
2 Added Argument If Excon believes in collectivism, why did he fight the Vietnamese?
1 Added Argument Which right winger WINS the argument about antisemitism?
-1 Downvoted Argument Causing children to use guns is a crime
10 Added Argument Given death tolls, why do we argue about gun deaths but not drug deaths?
10 Added Argument Causing children to use guns is a crime
5 Created Debate Given death tolls, why do we argue about gun deaths but not drug deaths?
5 Created Debate Election 2022 predictions
10 Added Argument Causing children to use guns is a crime
5 Created Debate Causing children to use guns is a crime

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