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12characters's Reward Points: 224

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument God: Why?
4 Added Argument Looking for a mate is a lot like fishing.
1 Added Argument Is this an accurate representation of life?
1 Added Argument "How God turns a French atheist into a Christian theologian"
1 Added Argument The English language is messed up.
1 Added Argument Is it Possible that Sasquatch can exist.
1 Added Argument There is no religion that compliments what we know about the world
2 Added Argument Is God a rapist?
1 Added Argument Are the sexes equal?
1 Added Argument Why not believe in God, just in case its true
1 Added Argument If a god didn't create the universe what did? (in your opinion)
1 Added Argument Should cigarettes be illegal?

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