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Superswimmer's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Superswimmer's arguments, looking across every debate.

why do you think its because of us? its been proven that volcanoes produce much more greenhouse gases than we do, scientists, contrary to popular myth,don't actually know a whole lot about our role in climate change. Besides all that, look back in the last couple hundred years; warmer than usual temperatures in the 1500s helped spread the black plague. In the 1300s, ice was seen in the Nile River. I think its obvious that the earth goes through climate change naturally and this whole global warming thing is really blown up.

Global warming is a silly idea, all one has to do is see the temperature trend in the past few hundred years to see the earth simply goes through climate cycles.

Volcanoes put a lot more carbon dioxide and poisonous gas into the atmosphere then we do, and we seem to be doing fine, soo...

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