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Orangepeel's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

After researching this age-long conflict, I cannot help but be in Israel's side. The majority of the Israelis are Jews, and Palestinians Muslims. Where do they originate from according to what they believe in? The Jews came from Israel and the Muslims came from Saudi Arabia. What if Israel did become Palestine? Where would all the Jews go? Back to Europe? Even though the holocaust is well over, there is still a tremendous amount of anti-semitism!!! What if Israel remained as it was? Where would the Palestinians go? I think many people are forgetting that they have a large country called SAUDI ARABIA. I'm aware that Israel takes enormous measures to defend itself from terrorism, which is what Hamas exploit and people frown upon Israel for 'murdering innocent citizens' but what would Israel be like if it didn't make and effort to prevent terrorism?! The other reason why I take Israel's side is because Israel has given up Gaza and the Western back for the Palestinians but they want the whole thing!!!!! I only ever support the side that wants peace, so that is why I support Israel.

PS: Not ALL Palestinians dont want peace, it's just the majority.

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