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1 point

yo Zofia fuck you. YOU vile foreigner you opinion does not merit shit.

1 point

Bunk you can not even pronounce the letter P. So your a descendant of Arabs who lived under the British Palestine Mandate. And with a straight face you want to say that your grand parents referred to themselves as "Palestinians". Bull shit. No Arab at that time supported the Balfour Declaration. The League of Nations awarded the "Palestine Mandate" to the British based upon the terms of the Balfour Declaration. YOU lie scum bag.

1 point

Silly idiot Goyim. Zionism represents Jewish nationalism. Idiot.

1 point

Stop the lies and BS. You pathetic fool. More people die on Israeli highways in car accidents than those killed in this minor domestic affair.

1 point

Yo Dumbass, palestine - a European not an Arabic word! Arabs cannot pronounce the letter P. Idiot.

1 point

Stop the lies and BS from fools who know nothing. Vile reactionaries and brain dead idiots.

1 point

Bunk. The people of Gaza exist as stateless refugees. Equal fight? What a totally absurd notion. Stateless refugees have no rights!

mosc(71) Clarified
1 point

Bunk. Israel recaptured Israeli land from Jordan. Palestine its a lie. Since when did Arabs support the Balfour Declaration by which the League of Nations, based upon the Balfour Declaration, awarded to Britain the mandate to establish a Jewish homeland!!!

1 point

Bunk. Stateless Arab refugees have no rights. The Arabs lost the 1948 war which they started. The Jordan lost the 1967 war which Jordan started.

1 point

Noise. Arabs can not pronounce the P in the foreign word palestine. Arabs lost their war to exterminate the Jewish survivors of the Holocaust and throw the Jews into the Sea. Never has any Arab country by the name palestine ever existed. Arabs sided and made alliance with Hitler and his SS extermination goals.

Arabs exist as stateless refugees who have no country of their own --- J U S T I C E.

1 point

Noise. Arabs can not pronounce the P in the foreign word Palestine. The mandate introduced this foreign name, its not a name native to the region. In the 1920s and 30s and 40s, for an Arab to embrace the name palestine - would require support for the Balfour Declaration! Arabs lie.

1 point

Noise. Hamas expelled the PLO and rejected the Olso Accords. Attacked Israel with missiles rockets and mortar bombs and bitches when Egypt and Israel closed their borders. LOSERs

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