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Lhlnk's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Lhlnk's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

Yes. I am from a christian family. LIke someone else sais, science and religion sholdn't be compared. I was in a hristian school as a child and we had scinece class every day.

1 point

BENEFICIAL! As long as you do other things than that and as long as you don't give away personal information I think it's beneficial! You can talk to family and friends for FREE!

2 points

His music! The Thriller album was a HIT! Althugh people look at him from positive and negative sides, his music will always be remembrered!

1 point

As long as they kill th animals with a shock Mashine and it doesn't hurt. If they hurt the animal it is NOT OK.

1 point

As long as they kill th anomals with a shock masine and it doesn't hurt. If they hurt the animal it is NOT ok.

1 point

No. people have different coultures from all over the world, and I'm happy it's like that! =)

2 points

Yes. You really should go to college You'll be amazed in how much you learn. It is also fun to compare how I was before college and after college!


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