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This personal waterfall shows you all of Ledhead818's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I can't follow what you initially said and you cited no sources so I am going to ignore it. Referring to the second half, the "human shield" excuse holds no weight. First of all you really think someone would willingly be used as a human shield? Don't be absurd. Secondly so what if Hamas is even doing that. That does not give Israel any excuse. If the police are in a shootout with someone and they take a hostage to protect themselves, the police don't say "Oh darn they are using the old human shield trick, nothing we can do. Just mow them both down with a machine gun and let's call it a day."

1 point

How is it a load of bull shit and how does it make the country a laughing stock to the rest of the world?

5 points

"I don't see why God couldn't have just set evolution in motion."

Because according to the bible god created all of the various species at the time of creation. This makes evolution impossible.

1 point

How is Obama making the country a laughing stock to all other nations? I'm pretty sure that was Bush's job.

1 point

As long as you aren't trying to justify the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki saying that we underestimated or did not fully understand the effects of the bombs, I am fine.

1 point

It's amazing how I provide a lot of actual information and you respond with a terrible argument like that based upon nothing.

Sorry but they knew exactly what the results would be. Before Fat Man and Little Boy were even deployed a bomb with the same design as Fat Man was detonated in a test called Trinity in New Mexico. And even for this test they calculated the probability that the atmosphere would be incinerated as impossible.

The Fat Man was not a test. We knew exactly what it would do. And we had a very good prediction of the damage it would cause. Please stop debating things you clearly don't know anything about.

3 points

A land invasion would have caused more deaths to American soldiers, but not to innocent Japanese civilians. Deliberately targeting and murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians because they were born in the wrong country is morally repugnant. If you were Japanese you would not be justifying the war crimes of Truman. If America had not won the war Truman would have been tried for war crimes. But whichever country wins wars faces no punishment for its actions and they are usually glorified or justified by the country's citizens.

1 point

What do you mean no one knew what the hell it would do? You think that is how the military designs weapons? You think they just throw some random shit together and then deploy? $2 billion were spent on the Manhattan Project. They calculated the exact amount of energy that would be released by the detonation of Fat Man and Little Boy. And they had done extensive tests to determine the damage that would be caused.

The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were terrible events in human and United States history and they were done to frighten the Soviet Union with our technological and military prowess.

1 point

1. Obviously it does take more education than that if people are continuing to have unhealthy lifestyles.

2. No I mean health insurance companies need to streamline. No it is not because our lives are precious. Like I said we spend the greatest percentage of our GDP on health care, but have only the 37th best quality of health care.

3. The problem is that not everyone will help out of their own free will.

4. I am not arguing for artificially low health care costs. I am arguing for creating a single-payer system that is so efficient that it forces private health insurance companies to become as efficient.

1 point

If the price increase touches all industries then everyone's wages will go up, and there is still no inflation.

And I understand that a minimum wage increases unemployment I never said it doesn't. We were simply arguing over whether or not it causes inflation.

1 point

1. I have never even heard Obama say that line before, but I'm fairly certain he neither invented it nor popularized it. Many people do not understand how to live a healthy lifestyle. They can underestimate its significance or simply not know how. It may seem simple to me or you, but many people were simply never properly educated about basic physiology. Or maybe they just need a bit of motivation. Bottom line is that countries that spend more on preventative medicine spend much less on treatment.

2. I never argued a government mandate to reduce reimbursements. A universal health care option will force insurance companies to streamline their business models to stay competitive. The cost of medicine is not the issue. The cost and availability of health insurance is.

3. Life is not meant to be hard. Life is not meant to be anything. It may be hard, but this does not mean it is meant to be hard. I'm not sure if I can make you understand because you seem to be a borderline sociopath. If you can't be persuaded to help other people then maybe you can be persuaded to help yourself. Like I said we waste a ton of money of health care. And that actually does hurt you. The less money everyone has, the worse this is for the economy and as you are a member of the economy, you as well.

4. I have no idea what you are talking about. You are arguing a different point and I can't really even tell what it is.

1 point

Okay apparently you do not know what inflation is. Inflation is a rise in the price of all goods and services in an economy. So let's say minimum wage increases and therefore the costs of companies affected increases. They therefore increase their prices. As long as the money supply is held constant this just means that consumers have less money to spend on other goods and services which means there is a less of a demand for them. When there is less of a demand for other goods and services their price decreases. Consequently there is no rise in all goods and services simply a simply a shift. Some goods and services increase in price and others decrease in price. This is not inflation.

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