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Tugman's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Tugman's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

"The rich will generally not spend money for philanthropic ends. They do it for tax breaks."

Even if they are doing it to get tax breaks the money they give is substantial. The US of all the nations gives the most money to charity. The government should take your money to give to people that are already getting money through charity.

1 point

I would have to say electro shock therapy works the best. ;)

I am not sure what the theory is.

1 point

"I'm kind of getting annoyed with all of these anecdotal tales. Furthermore both of your fathers parents were college graduates so I'm not really sure what your point is. I was saying that people born into poverty most of the time do not get out."

My point is that my father's parents both graduated from college yet they were working poor. All eight of their children payed their own way through college and graduated. They came out of poverty and became successful without government handouts.

1 point

I would ask them if they are sure and then I would probably comfort them. It is really hard to know what you would do. But like like to think that I could do it the right way. I would probably ask my my family how they handled it when they found out my uncle had AIDS

1 point

"People end up in poverty mostly because they are born into poverty and have no real way of getting out. If they are poverty and were not born in poverty it is usually because they have a mental of physical disability and many are veterans."

My father grew up in a family of ten. For a while they lived in house with just one toilet. His parents were both college graduates and his mother came from a wealthy family. People born into poverty do have a way to get but they are being tought that if you are poor the government will take care of you. This is a country where everyone can succeed. Society today does not encourage people to be wealthy. If some makes too much money they have their taxes raise to help someone who is too lazy to work. There are people that need welfare, but there are many who don't.

3 points

Obama thinks of him self as Lincoln, but this quote is speaking against what Obama is doing. Obama can not be Lincoln because Lincoln saved the country and Obama's gonna destroy it.

2 points

I am just curious as to if ou know what A) means???????????????????????

1 point

The Jews were in the middle east before the muslims or christians. That was thousands of years ago

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