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This personal waterfall shows you all of Tugman's arguments, looking across every debate.
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2 points

Do you realize that FOX is the only news network that has both political parties on their shows? The other news networks rarely invite conservatives on their shows. CNN and NBC only want to have Obama people on to bash conseratives or promote Barack Hussein Obama's terrible plans for the United States.

1 point

Letterman needs to make sure his jokes do not cross the line and he didn't. If he needs to make jokes about someones kids to get viewers then he does deseve to have a show. The media would skip over a story about Obama's daughters smoking crack in an alley to report a meaningless story about a polar bear drowning. It will hide anything that would harm Obama and his friends.

1 point

The point is that if one of Obama's daughters got pregnant the media would not make fun of her. It would say that it is okay to get pregnant in high school. They are only doing it because Palin is a conservative. Letterman should have known which daughter was at the Yankee game before he made the joke. He crossed the line and he isn't being punished.

2 points

Humans have been eating animals since the beginning of time. Meat is a very good source of protein. We could eat other things but meat is very accessible as well as good tasting. God gave us these animals for our survival, we need to respect the animals that we eat, in other words we should not kill more than we can eat.

1 point

That has nothing to do with the debate. Who cares if a movie is not historically accurate because most prople do not care.

2 points

Sarah Palin is fair game I agree, but why do you need to attack her daughter? Thousands of teenage girls get pregnant and Letterman does not make fun of them. Letterman is only doing it because he is a liberal and Palin is a conservative.

2 points

It is a good war movie. The debate is not called the best historically accurate war movie. If it was It would be A Bridge Too Far.

2 points

Saving Private Ryan was really good movie. It is definately the best WWII movie ever made.

3 points

Late-term abortions should not be legal because the baby is viable outside of the mother and is alive. Anyway the mother has come so far why should she change her mind and have an abortion when she could give the baby up for adoption in a month or two.

1 point

He told Gordon Brown what was up and he will probably get in trouble but he made the right choice in standing up to the PM.

1 point

I just got two down votes and no one put a reponse. I do see why some one would do this.

2 points

Yes, it is the founding document of the country. Respect America, its flag, its people, and its values.

1 point

It should be seventeen so I can be able vote in about 2 months.

1 point

That information is wrong. I do not know where you are getting this, but I would not be surprised if it is supported by Hamas and other anti-Israel orginizations aswell was most of the Middle East who just hate Israel.

1 point

Israel does not target civilians but the terrorists do. Just because Palestinians are killed does not mean Israel should stop defending itself. The breaking of windows is not as drastic as blowing up Israeli stores.

3 points

"Israel has made life incredibly hard for the Palestinians since the creation of the Jewish state."

In David Ben Gurion's speech declaring independence for Israel (May 14, 1948) he said that if the Palestinians stayed on their land nothing would happen to them. The Arab countries told them that the Jews would murder them all and most Palestinians fell for it. So If you are going to blame anyone for the plight of the Palestinians blame the Arabs in Syria, Jordan, and Egypt.

2 points

That is what the Hamas says. If Israel does kill civilians it is by accident. The terrorists are cowards and hide amongst women and children making it hard for the good guys to take them out. The accidental deaths of civilians is the fault of the terrorists.

2 points

They have no idea what they are doing. They have won 4 wars against overwhelming odds. They are a bunch of brutes. If they don't support Hamas they should do something about it.

5 points

"How can we equal between F16 , tanks, apache, military ships ....etc with small handmade rockets ????

This is not Fair !!!"

All I can say is that you should have thought about that when you fired rockets into a country with the most powerful military in the region.

2 points

"Michael Jackson, and obvious pedophile but is not convicted, almost became my cousin's neighbor, even though the seller was against it."

He is my cousin's neighbor in Santa Barbara.

2 points

I have no problem giving away my organs if I die. The only problem that I have with it is if my organs are given to a criminal or a person who is a real jerk that we'd be better off without.

4 points

I was watching Glenn Beck the other day and he had a man on that made a really good point about the governmentizing of GM. He said Obama wants to be the new Lincoln except Obama is a saving the wrong Union. Lincoln saved the country, Obama is trying to save the Auto Workers Union.

1 point

"The rich will generally not spend money for philanthropic ends. They do it for tax breaks."

Even if they are doing it to get tax breaks the money they give is substantial. The US of all the nations gives the most money to charity. The government should take your money to give to people that are already getting money through charity.

1 point

I would have to say electro shock therapy works the best. ;)

I am not sure what the theory is.

1 point

"I'm kind of getting annoyed with all of these anecdotal tales. Furthermore both of your fathers parents were college graduates so I'm not really sure what your point is. I was saying that people born into poverty most of the time do not get out."

My point is that my father's parents both graduated from college yet they were working poor. All eight of their children payed their own way through college and graduated. They came out of poverty and became successful without government handouts.

1 point

I would ask them if they are sure and then I would probably comfort them. It is really hard to know what you would do. But like like to think that I could do it the right way. I would probably ask my my family how they handled it when they found out my uncle had AIDS

1 point

"People end up in poverty mostly because they are born into poverty and have no real way of getting out. If they are poverty and were not born in poverty it is usually because they have a mental of physical disability and many are veterans."

My father grew up in a family of ten. For a while they lived in house with just one toilet. His parents were both college graduates and his mother came from a wealthy family. People born into poverty do have a way to get but they are being tought that if you are poor the government will take care of you. This is a country where everyone can succeed. Society today does not encourage people to be wealthy. If some makes too much money they have their taxes raise to help someone who is too lazy to work. There are people that need welfare, but there are many who don't.

3 points

Obama thinks of him self as Lincoln, but this quote is speaking against what Obama is doing. Obama can not be Lincoln because Lincoln saved the country and Obama's gonna destroy it.

2 points

I am just curious as to if ou know what A) means???????????????????????

1 point

The Jews were in the middle east before the muslims or christians. That was thousands of years ago

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