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Republican2's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Republican2's arguments, looking across every debate.

Wow you have just unleashed some of the most biased, overly generalized liberal nonsense I have heard in a long time. You have WAY overstated your case here and exaggerated the "facts" to the extreme. It's people like you who are bending the constitution out of shape. Not us.

AMEN! This is the best statement I've head all day. I'm sick of them letting stuff slide by god forbid someone should get offended.

I believe the Republican party best follows the principles on which the United States was based. We uphold crucial liberties that our constitution gives us and more importantly we don't bow down to every minority or activist group that cries inequality. Our government has let far too many things slide because god forbid some minority should be offended. If the founding fathers saw all the things the liberals have allowed in the name of "equality" they would be rolling in their graves. I am a proud republican and Obama can pry my guns from my cold, dead hands.

On the grand scale of things human activity has a very minor effect on the environment in comparison to all the other natural occurrences in earth's history. In contrast, the economy is greatly influenced by human activity and needs to be attended to now. Economic issues can plague later generations just as bad if not more so than the present day environmental issues.

First I should point out that the environment has gone through millions of years of natural disasters, asteroids, volcanic eruptions, and mass extinctions and still survived. I really don't think a century of human activity is going to catastrophically mess things up like all the environmentalists seem to believe. It would be prudent to clean up our act, but right now the economy is a more pressing issue.

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