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PhxDemocrat's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of PhxDemocrat's arguments, looking across every debate.

Sixteen years is too young to vote. The age of 18 should not be lowered.

Maybe 500 year from now he will. I just don't foresee man walking on Mars in the near future.

Money can buy happiness. With money, you can go shopping everyday and buy all the things you want that will make you happy.

There should be a new Minimum Wage law establishing $15.00 per hour since it is now 2015.

I say for all nations to abolish nuclear weapons before the world gets destroyed.

Fix the economy first and then tackle the environment. Too many people who need jobs and places going out of business.

Those wars in the Middle East are another Vietnam. Here it is 2015 and the war in Afghanistan is still going on.

Gay Marriage harms no one. Gay Marriage should be legal.

The Homosexual Agenda exists in the minds of bigoted people. There is no real agenda except to be recognized as equals as everyone els.

It is impossible that Gay Marriage can hurt anyone. Love can't hurt, ever!

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