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This personal waterfall shows you all of Messenger's arguments, looking across every debate.
-1 points

To respond to your first point: Your argument actually proves God's point where Jesus says there is "only way to come to the Father, and that is through the person of Jesus Christ"—not Mohammed, and that those in positions of power and authority will be judged more harshly, so that may be what's going on over there? That's not saying that there aren't peaceful and loving Muslims—it's saying that a nation is being ran via Islam by it's governing powers, which, according to Scripture, brings ruin upon itself by dismissing the person and holiness of Jesus and teaching their entire people to dismiss it as well. I personally believe that a nation of authentic believers in Christ running the country would be just and free of crime, pain, suffering, etcetera—oh wait, that would be Heaven. But sin is in the world and a country based on Christ's truth and faith and peace (not religion?) isn't going to happen here on earth. So we do the best we can with a democracy that guarantees protection of religion.

Your second point: I know for a fact that some people DO choose to "be gay" as one of my friends is newly gay, but didn't used to be, but after one too many hurts by the opposite sex and a desperate need to be cared for decided to give the other side a try. (And it should be noted that we hear each other's views on the subject with respect and agree to disagree but are still good friends.) There's also the perfect illustration of choosing in bisexuals, who can't seem to "choose" which sex they prefer. It is a choice in the end, even if it's an inclination one is born with, as I said in my original argument. I don't even begin to know how you came to compare gay marriage to allowing someone with dyslexia to marry? Re-read my original argument about the necessity of marriage being male/female. Marriage is a holy union between a man and a woman—it is not a civil union (although many treat it as such)—and that is why so many people have a problem with legalizing gay marriage. It would erode the foundation and meaning of marriage according to God, which is sacred to believers. You don't want to believe in God—hey, that's between you and Him and every human being has that free choice—no one is forcing or condemning anyone. All that believers are doing is defending their faith-based, holy sacraments so that others can't redefine them when they don't even believe in them. I mean there really is a contradiction there, right? Christians don't marry for financial reasons (at least they're not supposed to) or things like that—it is to pledge the marriage to God, to request His blessing.

Let me ask you something: What's wrong with homosexuality being a choice? I mean, if homosexuals are confident and proud of their sexual preference, why the need to say that the trait is inborn? Why all the shame?

"Fundamentalism" is defined as a strong adherence to any set of beliefs in the face of criticism and unpopularity. I am by no means a perfect Christian, but I am trying to be an authentic Christian and not a casual one, so I guess if that makes me a fundamentalist, then I guess I am? But be careful about labeling when you so clearly and "fundamentally" adhere to your own beliefs. Diversity goes both ways my friend. ;)

Oh, and Prop 8, was voted down by a democracy, not by religion—the majority deemed it not to be acceptable, to use your own words.

1 point

You've got it completely right, pvtNobody. Don't worry about it—most atheists (not all, some are very respectful), but a lot of them are condescending because of insecurity. The insecurity is related to clinging to a belief system that lacks any depth or true solidity. (How many times have we heard that "turns out science was wrong" and the "facts" they held so dear turned out to be wrong and have changed over time. Unlike Christ, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.) If one is feeling insecure, one popular strategy is to project their frustration. Of course its results are hurtful and shallow and not based on facts, (which is ironic since they like to throw "facts" around a lot) Anyways, thus the sarcasm and name-calling. Let's pray for them. God won't condemn scientists who wanted to know how things work (He created and loves them!)—only those that still reject Him in the end.

0 points

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." —Genesis 1:27

Our Lord, in His answer to the Pharisees concerning divorce, refers to this passage in Genesis and confirms its special application to marriage. "Have ye not read," He said, ‘that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female? and said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."' Marriage is derived from the Lord, for male and female. It has its highest and perfect form in Him, for in Him love and wisdom are one.

So how can gay marriage hurt any one? This is a very deep, complicated question and answer. (And please know, anyone that believes they are gay out there, I am not judging you. You are not horrible, and it is only my responsibility to share the truth of God's word to those who may stray from it or don't understand it.) It hurts God, don't you see? All sin does. Whenever man decides what is actually right and moral for himself, independent of God's wisdom, he always hurts himself because he has disconnected himself from God's plan for his life. And if he strays from God's plan, the course he takes can affect all of humanity—like the domino effect.

I take it for certain that the physical satisfaction of homosexual desires is sin. However, this leaves the homosexual person no worse off than any heterosexual person who is, for whatever reason, prevented from marrying, or from participating in sex outside the sanctity of marriage. Or any other sin for that matter.

People—primarily the homosexual community—say, "Who are others to say who we should be able to love?" (or in this case, marry) Let me ask you this: Have we not all loved our our same-sex friends as much as we've loved the opposite sex? I have loved my friends as much, sometimes more than a mate (after all, the opposite sex is oh so confusing at times!) But the difference is we do not desire to have sex with them. Aha—therein lies the heart of the controversy over homosexuality, and homosexual "marriages." You see the truth is, it's not about "love"—it is about sex, and who these people desire to love, is who they desire to have sex with. I can already hear everyone saying, "So what?! Of course people want to have sex with whomever they love..." But no. Sex has been perverted and removed from its original design. First we love, then we marry, then we consummate our marriage (it is just the icing) and the marriage (the love) is preserved through commitment before God. Again, I hear folks saying "Well that's what homosexuals want to do!"

First, we must understand that love begins with God. So many people misread and misuse Scripture and quote Jesus as saying, in regard to what the highest commandments are, "... to love thy neighbor as thyself..." for their arguments. But note that Jesus says, "commandmentS"—plural. Immediately proceeding "love thy neighbor as thyself" He says the first and greatest commandment is "You shall love thy Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." [Following is the second greatest commandment] "Love thy neighbor as thyself." So if homosexuals reject God's teachings on love and marriage and sex, how then can they use the argument that 'they just want to be able to love whomever they want' ? —They actually want to have sex with whomever they want, otherwise they would just remain the best of friends, you see? That is not the same. And then, they want to take it a step further, and sanctify it in holy marriage. This is re-writing the Bible to suit their own desires which is strictly forbidden.

People may love whomever they want. They just can't have sex with whomever they want. Well, actually they CAN—there is free will. Some say they were born this way. I say that in some cases this is actually true. In many cases it is a choice. But let's say they were born that way. There are alcoholics and depressed persons and naturally promiscuous persons and all kinds of burdens passed on in birth—this is what's called "our cross to bare"... Sometimes we have to make the choice to sacrifice an urge or desire to sin and in turn use this struggle for the good of all. Or we can succumb to it and let the consequences fall where they may. But I'd say 98% of our population has some sort of dilemma to struggle with. Like all other tribulations, it must be offered to God for His guidance on how best to use it.

And the American government has made separation of church and state very clear. They must, therefore, be consistent. The government has no right to redefine marriage in its holy context. If they stepped in and redefined marriage, a whole bunch of other decisions they've made concerning separation of church and state (removing the flag from classrooms, the commandments from courthouses, etc.) would then have to be reversed. They can't have it both ways, and they know this.


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