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This personal waterfall shows you all of Kaira's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

I understand the position that you are speaking from, but

1. How did the creator come into existence?

2. Why does this creator have to be a God? As I understand, this debate has basically come down to disputing the credibility of the Christian god, which does not necessarily have to be the creator.

1 point

That doesn't mean that evolution is flawed. It's a biological theory, and the creation of the universe has more to do with physics. As to the origin of life, how is the interference of a divine being more likely than chance? Just because evolution does not explain the origin of life does not mean that God is the explanation.

5 points

The theory of evolution is not meant to explain how the universe was created or how life originated on Earth. Sure, we don't know the answers to these questions today, but that's not a good reason to provide an explanation that doesn't really make sense.

2 points
The literal meaning of something has no impact on how it is interpreted today. The words cool and hot, for example, have meanings in some contexts that are totally different from their literal interpretations. True, there is no way to truly prove the nonexistence or existence of a divine creator either way, but atheism generally means the lack of belief in any organized religion.
5 points
More reasonable. There's evidence for evolution, but none for God.
7 points
Yes. How do these things prove the existence of a divine being?
12 points
True, and it's also completely possible that the Flying Spaghetti Monster and the Invisible Pink Unicorn exist. We have to be totally open minded and give every possibility equal value, disregarding the total lack of evidence for some options.

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