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science can attempt to evaluate whether there seems to be a why, and i think it could make at least a significant case that there isn't. Christians, Muslims, and Jews all believe in the God of Abraham, yet all have different stories, different traditions and different morals. there were 1000's of gods before that one which we now believe do not exist. at a time with very little understanding of the earth's place in the universe, we created stories that tried to describe how and why we are here. as science described the how, god became smaller and smaller, but our desire for purpose and science's inability to disprove our desire, we have left to god the reasoning rather than throwing out the immaterial god with the material one.

every time we try to assign to god some specific act, science comes along and shows plausible ways it could happen without god. The Miller Urey experiments of the 1950s showed you could take elements present in the early stages of earth and apply electricity to simulate static electricity/lightning - the result was amino acids and oganic compounds. the fact that inorganic can turn into organic and that better and more complex beings can come from lesser beings are both easily observable and all that is necessary for evolution to explain our existence.

Supporting Evidence: Miller Urey (

If I was to say the invisible flying speghetti monster exists and created the god that you believe in - how would you prove that it doesn't.

You might try finding the origination of that belief and discrediting it source, by finding inconsistencies within the beliefs, or inconsistencies with what they believed and our current knowledge.

for example - if a religion believed:

there was an earth with water and grass and trees and night and day

- before there was a sun or moon

Gen 1:1-16

that the sun and moon are in our atmosphere

Gen 1:8,14

that god created animals then man and woman in Gen 1:24-27 but created man first, then animals, then woman in Gen 2:18-22

that Sons of God (nephilim) had sex with the daughters of men and created giants Gen 6:2-4

the omniscient, all powerful, all good creator god regretted creating everything and decided to kill all humans, plants, and air/land animals less than 1700 years after creation, but decides to let one 600 year old man build a football field sized boat and get all the animals and enough food for them to live more than a year at sea since there was enough water to cover the entire earth more than 22 ft higher than the tallest mountain Gen 6:6-7

that God told Noah to take 2 of every animal in Gen 6:19-20 but four verses later says to bring 7 pairs of every clean animal and 2 of animals that are not clean Gen 7:2

and that's just in the first seven (out of 50) chapters of Genesis

if you were to read a book like this that was not called the bible - you would likely wonder what crazy stuff people were smoking in those days

it is left over from when we had no answers to these questions so we made answers up. the idea of a god was around long before the bible - were those gods all made up?? - then why not one more

only moves the question - bible just says god did it, and when asked where god came from - umm - he's always been there. yeah, thats it

evolution more aptly explains the morals that we have than god. competition is better explained by competition by groups for resources than a god that says thou shalt not covet, and love thy neighbor as thyself

You, Me, Life the World, the Universe is proof of You, Me, Life the World, the Universe - not god.

"Where did that little ball of matter that exploded come from" - god only shifts the question to where did god come from. if god is allowed to exist forever, then why wouldn't something simpler.

if you believe the bible is wrong what are you going on that god (or a higher being) exists?

I think many people have decided god does not exist becasue many attributes assigned to god have been successfully explained by science. god doesn't have to exist to explain earthquakes, asteroids, lightning, etc.

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