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This personal waterfall shows you all of JakeJ's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Calling somebody a dick is SO much better than telling them to shut up.

1 point

[ [[ [[ [[[[[[ up vote for the lasts sentence ]]]]]] ]] ]] ]

3 points

If they where a non partisan group who supported individualism and didn't hire a bunch of shady people then yeah, that would be cool.

Sadly, ACORN is not cool.

1 point

" It's rude and bad journalism to not allow your guest to get their point across. "

His point: [and I quote] "You're just afraid of black people". (unless you don't believe the witnesses.)

Did you not watch thew whole video?

Race. It's like the liberal's last resort card. Any conservative who is winning an argument with a liberal is a racist, rude, or a bigot.

4 points

Lolz I saw that one. That guy was an idiot! Glenn kicked him off the set.

Acorn Idiot on Beck's show.
1 point

lulz the 1st definition has the word terrorism in it. Weak.

Anyways you are right in the classical sense of the word that was an act of terrorism. I have never heard of that case before. So if what you said is true that is terrorism.

But of course like a lot of other words we associate historical events and things in the media and the classical sense of the word is distorted.

So in conclusion, when I hear "terrorist" I think of the type of people that attacked us on 9/11.

But that doesn't mean my definition of the word is forgotten. I know that "terrorist" describes more than just them.

1 point

Morgan Freeman was amazing in that movie. But I guess that can be said about any move he is in. (;

1 point

Wow I forgot to even consider that! Great call Band Of Brothers is amazing! And thats not a stretch. World War II can't be crammed up in 2 hours. That's what HBO is for. (;

4 points

Well, firstly, David Letterman isn't funny anyways.

Any who, what if that was your sister or daughter who was being used to boost low ratings for a biased bitter and not funny comedian?

I'm not just saying this because I am a fan of Sarah Palin. I think about this all the time.

The thing is, there's no line. Mean spirited comedy is everywhere.

There should be a line. You don't think so? Put yourself in Mr. Palin's shoes. Would you not want to choke Letterman to death if he was making sex jokes that involved your daughter?!?!?

What pisses me off is that David Letterman would never say that about a democrat. If you gotta make a living at somebody else's expense, fine. Why target the same group every damn time!?

And if a republican performer said something like that about a democrats daughter the world would come to an end.

He's probably just pissed because Conan O'Brien's show [which is actually funny and entertaining] is destroying his show.

1 point

Hey if you can't find a reason, just post a link. That's the easy thing to do. Easier than debating or something.

1 point

Thanks for adding reason to your argument. ..........................................

2 points

The Patriot

I just loved how the emotion and the history and the story all tied into a beautiful work of art.

SPR gets 2nd place.

2 points

I kind of wanted to see that when it first came out, but I heard about this one part that was really messed up.

1 point

Whoops, I guess you can't always trust the internet. Dang it! Can't remember the site but it said it was a Lincoln quote, either that, or I misread it.

Oh well, I still agree with the quote.

1 point

Nice little snippet. To be honest I'm not really sure what it means. I would however, like to hear the rest of it.

"I'm glad we agree that government should keep corporations in check."

Me too. At least we aren't blindly taking whatever shots we can and ignoring what we actually do agree on.

Anyways, if people are to sick to work then yeah, some government help is necessary.

But other than things like that, I don't see how poverty in a place like America can't be prevented.

" But I know for a fact that many people are not as generous as me. Apparently you disagree and think that everybody in the country will happily fork over their cash. "

So do you agree that we should be teaching young kids the value of hard work and encourage them to get a jobs and start saving money?

And I'm not naive, I know that a lot of people are not generous. But if we can convince people that profit is wrong maybe we can convince them that generosity is good. But that wouldn't give the government more power so it probably wont happen. Because why be generous if the government can take care of everything. Well they suck at it.

Why didn't you respond to the rest of what I said? I was actually interested to hear what you had to say.

1 point

Huh, I didn't know you where the District Attorney of createdebate. ....oh!, devils advocate never mind. (;

1 point

Fine, this debate can last as long as you want. So knock yourself out.

1 point

" You think greedy exploitive people mainly exist in the movies? "

Well, don't get me wrong there are a lot of crooks out there. It's just that in the movies, the good guys are poor and the bad guys usually tent to be rich and greedy. [the two attributes cleverly paired together, see we are supposed to think they are the same thing] Profit is often associated with greed, and poverty is often associated with humility.

" Don't worry about bad people? What kind of bs is that? What kind of person turns a blind eye to injustice? "

I am not one to turn a blind eye to injustice. If you commit a crime you are guilty, hands down. Do you agree? Do you think it's okay to break the law as long as you disagree with it? Like smoking weed for example? Any kind of scandal or money laundering is of course wrong. Thats why we have law enforcement, so we don't need an angry mob of entitlement mongers. Just worry about yourself.

And since when is profit injustice?

[profit = crime? No.]

[hard work = profit = just]

" And how many times do I have to tell you that everyone in America is not going to willingly give up 20 to 30 percent of their income to the common good. It's just not going to happen. "

So we should force them to share because the government is the only one we can trust right? They are the only ones that can help. The main sorce of power should come from the government not the people. Right?


Why are you not willing to share? [key word = "you"] The government should not be in the business of charity. You don't want that big of a government do you? Why the hell would you want that?

I don't know why you are tagged as "agree" you don't sound anything like Lincoln. ]:

0 points

That's so stupid I don't even need an argument.


1 point

" There are people out there who are willing to sacrifice all common decency in order to make as much money as they can. They will exploit the rest of us to further their own ends if government doesn't keep them in check. "

I think those people mainly exist in movies and television. But yes, there are bad people. Don't worry about them just work hard for yourself. There is plenty of room for success in america.

" people who can't work are the only ones who get government handouts. "

Looks like a lot of people can't work then. ....

" Are you seriously going to tell some old lady that she needs to suck it up and start pulling her weight? "

No! And I'm glad you asked. I (myself) would help her. I would choose to help her. I help old ladies from my church with stuff all the time. (yard work, etc.)

I will however, tell the government that it's not their job!

2 points

" I don't think voting restrictions should be based on age. But rather something else. "

What els!?

Voting is not a privilege, it is a right.

I rest my case.

2 points

I agree 200%.

In psychology we learned about critical thinkers.

People that are interested in debate are 1. Critical thinkers 2. Internet troll 3. has to win an argument.

Any critical thinker above the age of like 14 or 15 is mature enough to vote but you gotta draw the line somewhere.

2 points

Absolutely I do.

Anybody that completely ignores science as a whole is retarded. And anyone who cherry picks scientific theories that back their opinion or make the life they want to live more convenient, without truly thinking about it are closed minded. But those people will never admit that they do that.

2 points

lulz I was way tired when I made this debate. But it really is that simple isn't it.

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