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Dr_Batman's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Dr_Batman's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yes and the boys and girls who are orphans would also rather be with a heterosexual couple as foster parents. That means one man and one woman.

1 point

I agree 100% with you. You've thought out all the best logical arguments to use against the constant screamers of society who want uncontrollable sex without a care of what it will bring upon people, especially the youth in schools who are being groomed into this immoral content. I understand completely of the points you lay out. The "gay community" just want special rights given to them but when it comes to disagreements, they want protection becuz the moral communities want nothing to do with "gay marriage". Yeah because it's wrong and if people own their own businesses, the govt should not impose nor force them to agree to allowing immorality to happen. God's Church will not support gay marriage and if the screamers cant handle it, they are free to leave. They have zero right to impose their hypocritical and immoral views onto us nor our children. The USA was also built on the foundations of religion too. America is God's promised lands.

1 point

Marriage is only between a man and a woman. That is an absolute moral truth.

1 point

Just because it's made legal by the Law of Man, doesn't make it right, smartass. Now crawl back to your hole and stay there until the Final Judgement. You are labelled as scum.

The fact that you want homosexuality to be legal with God will not work. Gay marriage doesn't exist as a moral stance of a functioning family structure.

1 point

So you are a Christophobe hm, andsoccer16? I happen to be a Christian and I do not fear you. I will say this, the LORD will put the wicked down, that includes people like you who hate on us believers, yet you claim to be righteous? Nay. You are a hypocrite and the abomination. You will face the Judgement of the LORD Himself.

1 point

1) Man+man is a marriage of equals. Ok. So what? It doesn't bring kids, it causes AIDS/HIV. Woman + woman = Hepatitis and other STIs/STDs. It is unnatural and not good for kids.

2) Marriage between a man and two women. That's a separate debate. - Nope. It's not allowed.

3) Marriage between a man and an android. That's a separate debate. - Nope, it's not allowed.

4) Marriage is not a right. Ok, but gay marriage still doesn't hurt anyone. Marriage is instituted by God so no it's not a right and gay marriage doesn't exist because it isn't a marriage, it's lustful intent to get what you want; uncontrollable sex and yes, it does hurt everybody; especially kids and plus abuse.

4) Marriage is not religious. Ok. So what? It is religiously affiliated and created by God. Your words are not law. God's laws overrules you and that is absolute.

5) Changing the meanings of important words can hurt. Ok. But changing the meaning of marriage to allow gays to marry doesn't hurt anyone. - You are a strawman and the weakest of all debaters. Changing the meaning of marriage? Oh so do you admit to changing the definition of marriage, liar? You are wrong and exposed, jessald. You've lost the debate.

I've seen your other so called arguments. It's nothing but bs and lies. You claim no one is changing the definition of marriage and yet, here you are, saying "Changing the meaning of marriage to allow gays to marry doesn't hurt anyone." - You are either repetitive becuz you know you lost or you are extremely stubborn and ignorant, and especially heterophobic, truthphobic and Christophobic. "Gay marriage" harms everyone; meaning families, friends and the entire human race. You, jessald, have lost. Cry me a river and get over it. You are also under arrest for being a possible contributor towards crime and pedophilia. Your sentence is life in prison.

1 point


Latter-day Saints aka "Mormons" as outsiders label us, or simply, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints do not support polygamy anymore. It was banned in 1890. The only "Mormon" sect are the FLDS branch and they are not with the main branch of the Church. Yes, that is the small percentage who still wants polygamy back legally becuz they are used to it but no, it's not right. So yeah, FLDS are the polygamists who still practice it despite it being banned. I am "Mormon" and I don't support polygamy nor do I support "gay marriage". I am pro-heterosexual and pro-family. So logically, even us Latter-day Saints know, gay marriage is not contributive to society, it's not healthy and it's not good for the children of new generations. God the Father created marriage to be between a biological man and a biological woman. It is a gift that God the Father gave us in order to procreate and bring in new life. We must not use the gift of procreation for unnatural sexual behavior.

1 point

A recent Gallup poll finds that support for same-sex marriage has reached an all-time high. Currently, 70% of Americans say marriages between same-sex couples should be recognized by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages. The shift is primarily due to support by the younger generations: 84% of young adults, 72% of middle-aged adults, and 60% of older adults say they favor same-sex marriage.

A majority of Republicans (55%) and more than two-thirds of Democrats (83%) support the legal change. Surprisingly, despite same-sex marriage being one of the most radically progressive political changes in human history, almost half of self-identified conservatives (48%) now endorse this redefinition of marriage.

The poll doesn’t list the breakdown by religion, but it’s clear that many Christians now believe they too should support same-sex marriage. Here are four reasons why we should uphold a traditional understanding of marriage.

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1. Marriage matters to God

“Have you not read that He Who made them in the first place made them man and woman?” said Jesus, “It says, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will live with his wife. The two will become one.’ So they are no longer two but one. Let no man divide what God has put together” (Matt. 19:4-6).

Marriage was invented by God, not by man. We have neither the authority nor the ability to change what marriage is. The most that an individual or a government can do is misapply the term to relationships that are not actually marriages. Marriage requires the specific form of a union of man and woman (Gen. 2:24). Applying the term to same-sex unions, therefore, alters the very concept of what a marriage is for and what functions it takes.

Many people, including many Christians, think that objecting to same-sex marriage is imposing our moral beliefs on non-believers. In fact, the opposite is the case. It was advocates of same-sex marriage who imposed their view of sexuality on others by using the power of the state to enforce a criteria for marriage that is not rooted in the nature of marriage. In this way, they are similar to those who supported laws against interracial marriage. “Anti-miscegenation laws. . . were attempts to eradicate the legal status of real marriages by injecting a condition—sameness of race—that had no precedent in common law,” says philosopher Francis Beckwith. “For in the common law, a necessary condition for a legitimate marriage was male-female complementarity, a condition on which race has no bearing.”

Christians should oppose any attempt to add conditions to marriage that change God’s standards.

2. Reality matters to God

When we say that a man can be married to a man or that a woman can be married to a woman, we are twisting the word “married” to mean what it cannot mean. If we use words in this way, we are making a claim about reality that we know is not true — and cannot be made true. In other words, we are endorsing a lie.

The Bible makes it clear that God detest lying or speaking untruths (Prov. 12:12). As Leviticus 19:11 says, “‘Do not lie. Do not deceive one another.” For us to use language that we know is deceitful and untrue about an institution created by God is harmful to our neighbors. Words matter to God, so they must matter to us.

3. Scripture matters to God

As Paul told Timothy, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16–17). From this and other passages, we derive the biblical doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture, that Scripture is sufficient in that it is the only inspired, inerrant, and therefore final authority for Christians for faith and godliness, with all other authorities being subservient to Scripture.

The Baptist theologian Matthew Barrett says that sufficiency has real and serious implications for the church today. “First, although Christians claim they believe in the sufficiency of Scripture, they often live like they don’t, prizing their experience instead of Scripture’s instruction,” adds Barrett. “In faith and practice, too many Christians nod at what the Bible says, but politely set it aside to live their life how they think or feel is best.”

Unfortunately, this is all too common when it comes to political and policy views. For many Christians in America, their secular political views — especially a left-libertarian view of sexuality and individual “rights” — informs their policy positions more than does the Bible. But Scripture matters to God and so it should matter to us.

4. People matter to God

As Christians, we are called to love our gay and lesbian neighbors (John 14:34), which is why we must not and cannot support same-sex marriage.

Christians believe that marriage is a lifelong institution designed by God for our good and the good of our society. We also believe that homosexual sexual activity is sinful. How then could we support two people entering into a lifelong commitment that encourages them to engage in sin (1 Cor. 6:9)?

For a Chrisitan to endorse same-sex marriage is the opposite of loving — it is truly hateful. You do not love your neighbor by encouraging them to engage in actions that invoke God’s wrath and oppose God’s good design for humanity (Psa. 5:4–5; Rom. 1:18). You cannot love your neighbor and encourage them to engage in activity that will lead them to hell.

While we may be required to accept the presence of ungodly behavior in our society, the moment we begin to endorse it we too become suppressors of the truth. We cannot love our neighbor and want to see them excluded from the kingdom of Christ (1 Cor. 6:9).

1 point

Except that's the problem, Kuklapolitan. You are saying that little to nobody suffers from same sex parents. You know what? There are witnesses, especially youth and young adults who have given talks on how much they have suffered from the wrong kind of family structure. You're saying as long as what? As long as there are men and women around to look after the children, things will be okay? Uh no! Think about it. You cannot lie to your kids! Can an uncle be a boy or girl's father? No! You can't just do that! Otherwise the kids will learn how to lie too. You just admitted that it is easier to have one father and one mother around and guess what? You're contradicting yourself and your own arguments which means again, the logical side who says "gay marriage" affects everyone badly is none other than TRUE. There is no contributive positivity in having "two dads" nor "two moms", it will only bring a deceptive environment that will affect the kids to fall into confusion and the worst state of following a bad example! Marriage and true love remains only between a man and a woman.

Dr_Batman(1523) Clarified
1 point

Don't side with the homosexuals, joecavalry, who scream. Institutions and schools are indoctrinating kids into this whole "gay is right" sort of thing. There is no common sense in supporting it at all. Tell me, do you support the youth and future generations in suffering from AIDs/HIV? Or Hepatitis? Or STIs and STDs overall? I don't think you do!

1 point

That is not how this works.

"You just simply flip the gender of one of the participants" - Sounds like you are redefining marriage, disregarding the facts and whole purpose behind marriage; creating a family including children. "Gay marriage" does not exist and will never be seen as normal. You support rape? Because that's how it is in schools. They are brainwashing kids into thinking being gay is normal when it does not bring anything good. It doesn't bring kids, it doesn't bring fruitfulness nor reproductive contributions to society and it certainly isn't healthy due to STIs, STDs, HIV/AIDs etc. So yeah, cry me a river and get over it. Your arguments are invalid. May God have mercy on your soul. Sodom & Gomorrah were burnt down for a reason. God sent an angel to destroy the entire Assyrian army for a reason; because they wanted to convert the people in Jerusalem to a false religion.

1 point

Very good, nonostrum, on pointing out that interracial marriage has a historical reference and doesn't need a special opinion to legalize it. "Homosexual marriage?" though? Not normal, not natural, but very very harmful to kids and to individuals due to STIs, STDs, HIV/AIDs etc.

1 point

I think religious groups, mainly Christians should be able to instate morality on this matter to put away pedos etc.

1 point

The LORD God decimated Sodom & Gomorrah. Your argument is invalid.

1 point

It's not just painful....the arse is not for sex....AIDS/HIV, Hepatits and STIs/STDs is the big result according to science.

1 point

"From mock the week

I wish I had a gay dad

You remember when you were a child and everyone was always saying "my dad's gonna beat your dad?"

You could say "My dad's gonna do your dad, and your dad will like it!"

Did I just hear you rattle your own cage. Guards present! FIRE!

That's one less pedophile in existence. You are proof of a rapist. God will reign His Justice upon you. Your dad is not gay and my dad despises pedos like you.

1 point

Yeah it's already showing everywhere, tomdog. I agree with you. They indoctrinate kids, they have pride parades, they force businesses to be "inclusive" yet they are hypocritical when it comes to free speech, ESPCIALLY IN OPPOSING WHAT IS WRONG. We have the freedom to oppose the homosexual group of liars, adulterers and hypocrites who are also anti God.

1 point

You are indeed a hypocrite, heterophobe, truthphobe and Christophobe. We reserve the right to not support gay marriage because it does not exist.

1 point

No. Civil unions even are heterosexual only. There is no other form.

1 point

I 100% agree and honestly, the truth is what scares all of them. They are irrational in their behavior towards the truth, Christians and heterosexual men and women.

1 point

Ah so you are a pedophile. You will be executed immediately.

1 point

Wrong. That's what all the false believers think and you are one of them. God never made Adam and Steve, He made Adam & Eve. So your argument is invalid. "Progressive New Age" Christianity does not and will not be recognized.

1 point

Wrong. It brings AIDs/HIV, STIs/STDs and Hepatitis. It doesn't fair well for the children nor will it bring anything productive. Marriage and true love is only between a man and a woman. To support "gay marriage" is to support pedophilia, bestiality and also the extinction of the human race plus you also support the murder of babies aka abortion. All of which are evil immoral actions. Humans are already dying of old age, disease, drugs, crime and fighting in wars, "gay marriage" will only increase the death rate and it already has. The basis of marriage is to allow a man and a woman who love each other to continue the human race by creating new life. God gave us the tools of procreation.

1 point

We used science, common sense and logic. What have you used? Delusion, insanity and your anger. Nice try but you're a lesser intelligent being.

1 point

Wrong. I grew up in a Christian family and although things may not be perfect, I've learnt right from wrong. Sex before marriage brings STIs, STDs which include hepatits and AIDS/HIV. That's a fact.

"I'm not sure that growing up with religious nutjob republicans as parents is healthy for a child either, so this argument isn't valid." - says the subjective toxic demonic-crat who is a hypocrite who thinks what? Sex is good children? Age matters dumbass. You clearly have lost your mind and common sense. God wins. Lgbt is invalid and your arguments are invalid.

1 point

From your paragraph of nonsense and pro-pedophilia bs, people like you are exactly why the Bible is correct remains absolute moral law. God created us all. Lesbians, homosexuals, bisexuals, "trans"-abominations; they are all susceptible to heterophobia, truthphobia and Christophobia. Morality in society is needed. Marriage and true love remains between a man and a woman.

1 point

Yep there was an adopted daughter of this dysfunctional family of "two moms" who gave a talk about this because she grew up with tons of abuse, hypocrisy and deception. She talked about how people like us should not be afraid to speak up the truth. She said the exact same thing as you nisar. Society has not benefited and will never benefit from "gay marriage" and it will never be recognized as normal. Schools need to ban heterophobia, Christophobia and truthphobia and begin to teach what's important such as the real issues in society; hypocrisy and ofc the regular courses of math, science, social studies etc. Even sex ed at the right age and puberty 101.

1 point

"Progressive New Age" Christianity doesn't exist. Jesus prophesied of false believers such as you preaching loudly on the streets. Hypocrites you are. Don't you dare claim you are a believer and still support homosexuality. You, chg9389, are no doubt a luciferian cultist and you will be punished by God's Angel of Vengeance. You are declared a blasphemer, truthphobe, heterophobe and a Christophobe.

I am a true believer in Christ. God the Father instated marriage to be ONLY and EXCLUSIVELY between a biological man and a biological woman. It IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE A UNIVERSAL OBJECTIVE TRUTH. My testimony stands incorruptible in the face of your verbal persecution.

"I'm also a Christian, and my church teaches that most certainly is. Don't you dare impose your bigotry as some great universal "Christian" teaching, because it IS NOT." - What did the God of Abraham say to Moses about His Ten Commandments? That's right, I can recite it, I bet you would REFUSE BECAUSE YOU'RE THE TYPE TO CHANGE UP THE BIBLE AS YOU WANT IT.

Thou Shalt Not Worship Any False Idols nor gods for I am the Lord, your God.


Honor thy Mother and Father

Thou Shalt Not Murder

Thou Shalt Not Steal

Thou Shalt Love Thy Enemy as Thy Neighbor

Thou Shalt Not use Foul Language

Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery

Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbor

Thou Shalt Not Covet Another Man's Wife

Some men steal other men's wives, some women even steal away men's wives. Some men steal other women's husbands, some women even steal away other women's husbands. Then there are the homosexuals who steal away husbands and wives, destroying the family structure. So yes, homosexuality hurts society on a wide scale while many will ignore that. #banhomosexualitynow2024

1 point

Here's the thing though, interracial marriage is still heterosexual, it's just between a man and a woman from different ethnicities. It doesn't actually bring babies who are born with birth defects. I've seen photos and happy couples of this sort before, whether it's an Asian man and a white woman or let's say a black guy and a white girl or an asian girl with a white guy, it doesn't matter in that case, as long as a man and a woman love each other mutually and plus are over 18 years of age. However with "gay marriage", it doesn't exist, the arse isn't for sex, homosexuality brings aids/hiv for most bisexual and homosexual males. For homosexual and bisexual females, they get hepatitis. Both get infected with STDs and STIs overall. How does it affect the population? Right now that toxic group wants to influence the youth into it and it ruins families, pulling them apart from each other. The toxic group who has already plagarized the two gender symbols and other astrology signs plus stealing the rainbow by removing one colour, indigo, has already proven to be anti-family oriented while thinking they can redefine gender, age and ofc marriage. They deny it but they are hypocrites who want pedophilia. They have a hidden flag.

What they love to do is change the subject and deny facts, redawn. If we already list tons of biological and scientifically proven facts over their "so called theories", they scream and play the victims, they act like they know everything and insult us, and than they accuse us falsely of many things like racism etc. I will tell you, my friend & ally, I've seen a video of this man who identified as a "trans woman" who got into a debate with a black man who had lots of common sense within him. The African American male basically held a sign that said marriage is only between a man and a woman and he's objectively correct. He than joked about being a lesbian and than the snowflake was racist by calling him the n word for no reason, called him a bigot and a "homophobe" while the black man wasn't even afraid. The snowflake is a heterophobe, Christophobe and a truthphobe. We need to start listing more facts before the toxic group. The rainbow belongs to God, there are only 2 genders; male and female, created by God and marriage remains heterosexually between a biological man and a biological woman. An anti-STD/anti-STI group against aids/hiv needs to be formed and a group to protect youth.

1 point

It still is Jake. Ignore the snowflakes, heterophobes, truthphobes and Christophobes who act in a very hypocritical way. Their pride and vanity will befall them.

1 point

Absolute facts said by a man or woman of common sense. You are an ally in this fight against homosexuality and the sins of man itself.

1 point

You're right, Jake. All kids need a mom and a dad. The problem is, they are now indoctrinating kids to believe the opposite. That's what's harmful. Not only that, women have to endure through men identifying as women to use the women's bathroom. Same with men have to endure through women who identify as men to use the men's bathroom. Then there is the issue of the sports teams. Women now have to see men who think they have "transformed" into women to beat them at sports and vice versa. Ellen Page for example is harmful and same with Bruce Jenner. They are two examples of mentally ill individuals. Ellen is still a woman, it doesn't matter that she identifies as a man. I will feel uncomfortable seeing her as a "male" in the men's washroom. As for Bruce Jenner? Same thing, I bet women are not comfortable with the fact that he is falsely calling himself a woman and using their washroom. The so called "trans" people are still gay. If a man thinks he's a woman but marries a man while still being a man but tries to look like a woman, he's gay. If a woman thinks she is a man but marries a woman yet is still a woman by birth, she's lesbian. Those are brutal and objective absolute facts. Marriage is only recognized between a biological man and a biological woman. "Transgender" is a menace in society and will not be accepted.

1 point

On the contrary, IT IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU WHO HAVE PISSED MANY PEOPLE OFF BECAUSE OF ALL THE INDOCTRINATION OF KIDS INTO AIDS/HIV, HEPTATIS, STI AND STD INTOXICATION. You have no truth within you. You only have lust and pride. There is no fundamental difference. This is about immorality. Homosexuality is susceptible to adultery and to ruining families.

1 point

Your arguments are weak and pathetic. All you do is cry and whine about your rights and how special you are. YOU AREN'T ABOVE THE LAW AND HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN. TARGET KIDS AND YOU WILL BE ARRESTED BY CIVILIANS AROUND YOU.

1 point

Banning gay marriage is absolutely justified as that would be banning aids/hiv, sexual abuse, pedophilia, drug abuse, Hepatits, STIs, STDs, indoctrination of kids into an unnatural state of behavior and plus, it will continue the human race. Separating Church and state is out of the question. Religious freedom is absolute. The freedom of uncontrolled sex? Not gonna happen. You are declared a truthphobe and your arguments are as weak as you are a man. Continue to push your false ideologies and I will silence you with more facts of truth. You will be bashed until you disappear.

1 point

He clearly doesn't because he's one of them. He's a meth head who likes sex and drugs. He belongs in a sanitarium.

1 point

Going to walmart is sinful? Changing the subject are we now? Are you irrationally in fear of the truth? When did the guy ever say he is this Issac Asimov? We reserve the right to speak facts and truth. Marriage and true love is only between a biological man and a biological woman. Anything else doesn't exist.

"B) It is mostly spread through unprotected sex. Just because more heterosexual couples use protection to avoid pregnancy and therefore have a lower incidence rate of aids, does not mean it is a gay disease. Gay or straight sex is not the issue, it is whether or not you use condoms. And speaking of your beloved bible, although you may not be Catholic, the pope's recent statement that condoms do not work and make the aids epidemic worse is going to directly cause the deaths of thousands of people."

Stats already prove homosexuals inherit aids/hiv, STIs, STDs and Hepatits for women due to their uncontrolled sexual behavior. Heterosexuals don't overdo sex dumbass, that's the point of marriage. Homosexuals cheat and lie, and steal husband and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends are even stolen becuz of them through manipulation. Kids are indoctrinated in schools. Lgbt are pedophiles who will be held responsible in jail and by the absolute Law of both God and men.

1 point

Correct, I was just practically saying the same thing. STDs, STI's, Hepatitis are also the other diseases from the result of homosexual behavior. Doesn't matter if it's gay or lesb. Both actions are harmful and it will never be natural.

1 point

Wrong again. No amount of condoms is going to get rid of aids/hiv. However, you admitting that aids/hiv exists makes your subjective opinion completely invalid and moot. Have fun in jail because you will stay there and face the death sentence for pedophilia, rape and indoctrination of kids. You are declared a truthphobe, Christophobe and heterophobe. Oh and um, heptatis, STI's and STDs are also issues they discuss on the topic of "Teen Sex and Drugs" when it comes to the lesson on puberty and Sex Ed. I've learnt it before and I know the truth. Heterosexuality rules because it is natural. God is absolute, Church and state will be united. Separate snowflakes into mental sanitariums where they can be re educated on absolute objective truths. Sedate the mentally ill like jessald.

1 point

Yes it is. You are a truthphobe, heterophobe and Christophobe. You like indoctrinating kids into it hm? You are a pedophile and you deserve the death penalty.

1 point

For those of you who think it's natural? It's not.

1. True love and marriage is between a biological man and a biological woman.

2. Gender and age cannot be changed.

3. Aids/hiv is the result of homosexual behavior.

4. Transgenderism was harmful from 1955 when John Money decided to experiment on kids. The boy who he experimented on still knew he was always a male and will never be a female. He killed himself because he didn't want to go through with that experimentation. Money also experimented on a whole bunch of other kids and got arrested later on for pedophilia and illegal experimentation on innocent children.

5. Indoctrination that teaches gay marriage is okay does not have the consent of parents.

6. The natural order of things were instated by God and it's absolute.

7. Truthphobes, Christophobes and heterophobes who attempt to debate me will be silenced by more facts and truths.

8. Chromosomes determine your gender; XY is male. XX is female. In nature, males are attracted to females and females are attracted to males. It happens in animals and humans. Asexuality is not within humans and it is not the definition that "lbtg" gives.

9. The Holy Scriptures including the Bible and such are absolute truths.

10. Sodom and Gomorrah has already been discovered to be a real place by archeologists. Biology and anatomy have already proven that gender cannot be changed.

11. There is no gay gene. Every man and woman is born heterosexual.

Facts are facts. Toxic snowflakes are no match.

1 point

Wrong. There is no gay gene as proven by science. Marriage and true love is only to be shared between one man and one woman. No trans. No gays. No bis. No lesb. However, perhaps it is a genetic mutation caused by chemical reactions or the environment? Yep. Still, no one is born gay etc. They all make the wrong choice of doing what they do. It's wrong, it brings no kids, it affects kids badly in institutions and it's wrong to indoctrinate them. Not only that, aids/hiv is the result of homosexual behavior and self mutilation of the genitals? It's also wrong. Abortion? It's murder. Every man and woman is born heterosexual. That is the absolute truth. "Homosexuality is not genetic and not evolving. It is demeaningful towards the natural order, unnatural, harmful and devolving aka degeneracy itself in a nutshell. Anyone who supports it is either brainwashed, insane or ignorantly heterophobic and truthphobic and Christophobic."

1 point

On the contrary, interracial marriage is not gay marriage. So you are wrong. Any man and any woman can get married as long as it's mutual. There is also asian male and white female. It's still straight/heterosexual marriage. It only becomes a problem when the wife or husband decide to cheat and worse, become bi or gay or trans. And you know what? Lgbt are the cause of all the chaos and they will face punishment.

1 point

It hurts you hypocrite. You are the one denying the truth, so that makes you a truthphobe, heterophobe and Christophobe. Can't you believe it? Yeah. We won and you lost. God prevails.

1 point

The truth hurts you. The stats show lesbians are harmful and abusive as much as gay men are to each other. Your arguments are not only toxic, it's subjective. The problems of children not having good parents is because of retards like you. You are a truthphobe, Heterophobe and Christophobe. Marriage and true love is only between a biological man and biological woman. I can go on all day to silence you for your toxic behavior and I will.

1. Homosexuality brings aids/hiv

2. You retards are indoctrinating kids into this stuff which isn't healthy for the body

3. You ignore biological facts of gender and sex being related and the same

4. You think you know everything about the issues that affect families but it is people like you who are ignorant and are harming families in the first place

5. It is feminazis like you who target men and hate on men. You will be silenced over infinity until Jesus returns to tell you, He never knew you because you don't show love and compassion to those who disagree with you. You are declared a hypocrite, kirstie.

Cry me a river and get over it. pdf

You have been silenced. Continue this uphill battle and I will shoot you down. We, the Silent Majority have the Holy Ground. Your pride is your downfall. So is your vanity, wrath, sloth, lust and gluttony. You blasphemers, adulterers and murderers. I bet you justify abortion just for the fun of it. So I tell you, begone. Baby lives matter and God's truths are absolute.

Marriage remains between a man and a woman. Gender and age cannot be changed and you've lost.

1 point

Does indoctrinating kids in schools sound familiar to you, fool? That's right. Gay marriage is towards rape and aids/hiv and many other things. Especially one: Globohomo is towards the annihilation of the Human Race. Lgbt will be annihilated because of this secretive agenda. Ladies & Gents, it's time to put them in high maximum security prisons. We have no time for sexual deviant global socialist terrorists. Homophobia? I am not scared to tell you the truth, you are a truthphobe, a heterophobe and a Christophobe. You are also a hypocrite and a retard. Cry me a river and get over it because you will die from your sins. Target kids and you will be beaten.

Also Sodom & Gomorrah are real locations, dimwit, you might want to check yourself before you wreck yourself. It is absolutely relevant to the conversation. It's pathetic of you to deny the truth in front of you. You're weak.

1 point

We aren't scared of them? They are heterophobes, Christophobes and truthphobes. They are the irrationally fearful ones. Think you can troll around? Yeah, not gonna happen.

1 point

Not only that Jake. It hurts them because of the ultimate consequence like it says in the bible. The result is getting aids/hiv. What's worst is that they want to indoctrinate kids into this at schools. That's where we draw the line.

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