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Cuaroc's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Cuaroc's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Since you seem to like to give rights to things without out a conscious should we give plants rights then?

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
2 points

well seeing how his first 3 debates went I think Prodigee/ChosenOne 3.0 might be a fairly accurate description

2 points

once again I find myself agreeing with you.

2 points

ah i see your finally putting the points for down vote use again.

4 points

actually that's just the definition to fit pro-lifers needs.

4 points

Medical Dictionary

child (chīld)


A person between birth and puberty.

6 points

Actually the bottom picture is a fetus in it's first days of growth.

1 point

What happened to you being Atheist?

1 point

But how can you be certain it's god and not Satan?

1 point

how do you know it's god and not satan?

1 point

Where did your god come from?

1 point

How is meat the unlawful killing of another person?

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