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Animegirl300's Waterfall RSS

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2 points

You're comparing the creation of life to the belief in Santa Clause. Get a grip.

Your beliefs in sciences are just as imaginary whether you like it or not. (Science has been proven to be subjective. Just sayin)

2 points

Interesting. But then, this could go for ANYTHING really. Even in science, the 'evidence' used to support a claim is actually more subjective than people usually believe it is. Science has proven in the past to be just as fickle when supported as Faith has. Therefore, while faith can be dismissed without evidence, so can science, and therefore it leaves everything for speculation by the individual.

4 points

While there is not evidence of God existing, there is also no evidence of him NOT existing. The truth of the world is too subjective to give a definite answer based on evidence. Even science is not the full answer as it is very subjective itself: it gives clues depending on the person who is making the observations, just like in the Bible. Science is not fact, while neither is faith. This in itself should already tell you that pitting the two against each other is rather pointless.

To be truthful, it is not religion itself that has actually caused much of anything. It is the people who commit the acts of hatred, using the Bible as something to validate themselves. It is nothign more than abuse of a system of belief. Nothing more, nothing less. What is the root of evil? the fact that people are too closed-minded and foolish to deal with anybody having a difference of opinion.

But to dispute your claim:

By your logic Religion is the root of evil. This would mean that Religion is the only cause of evil (IE it's root). If this were true, would it NOT also be true that since Religion only causes evil, those who are not religious would not be evil themselves?

Therefore, this logic is found to be incorrect as there are plenty of evil non-religious people. Stalin and Pol Pot for example. Chairman Mao for another.

I am not saying that all atheists are evil or something (since I'm SURE someone would try saying it) but there HAVE been evil atheists in the past.

Therefore, becasue of this, the entire logic is thrown off.

Please stop trying to tag conspiracy to an argument that has nothing to do with it :)

4 points

I love all the people who voted down on here, although you are RIGHT that the question isn't whether or not eh Bible is true. Just shows how peopel will be ignorant when they see something they don't want to hear.

4 points

I personally believe in God becasue of personal experience in my life. I really believe that he is there, whether other people do or not.

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