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AbbyNestor's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of AbbyNestor's arguments, looking across every debate.

All you are doing is trying to manipulate language. Here's your new idea. It happens. Why endanger a child when it may be born into a bad situation? Raped? Oh no according to you the victim must pop that sucker out. All you are doing is toying with language.

Does the child even know? How do you think it feels? Go ahead. Tell me what the fetus thinks about it.

2 points

Yeah. I do not think this is even true. If a woman chooses to then how does it fit the definition of molestation?

2 points

Please explain to me ho this makes any sense. Do you know the definition of molest? Because that doesnt fit with abortion. How do butterflies and abortions even correlate?

5 points

How do butterflies and abortion correlate? I simply do not understand how you possibly tied butterfly molestation and abortion into a valid argument.

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